يونيو 10، 2012

المراجعة النهائية في اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثالث الثانوي 2012


  لكل طلبة وطالبات المرحلة الثانية من الثانوية العامة و ثالتة ثانوي نضع بين ايديكم المراجعة الشاملة والعامة و النهائية لمنهج اللغة الاجنبية الاولى 2 "الانجليزية 2 " من اجل مساعد ابنائنا واخواتنا الطلبة والطالبات على الاستعداد لامتحان اللغة الاجنبية الاولى 2 للصف الثالت الثانوي والمقرر له غدا الاثنين الموافق 11 يونيو 2012

Unit ( 1 )
examine يفحص gravity جاذبیة / خطورة
launch يطلق / اطلاق gymnastics ألعاب الجمباز
leak رشح / تسرب side effects آثار جانبیة
mission مھمة / بعثة / مأمورية spin (v) ( يدور بسرعة (حول نفسه
secret سر / سرى spoke (n) سلك العجلة
system نظام distance مسافة / بعد
currently حالیا / فىالوقت الحالى weightless عديم الوزن
location موقع weightlessness انعدام الوزن
space shuttle مكوك فضاء orbit ( يدور حول (شئ
choose the correct answer :Unit (1)
a The car stopped because there was a [ leak - secret - system ] in the petrol tank.
b Our air conditioning has broken down, but someone is coming to [leak - missions - repair ] it tomorrow.
c The doctor [ astronaut – examined - launch ] me carefully before he gave me the medicine.
d Computer passwords should always be[ secret - space walk - system] . You should never tell anyone.
e The astronauts went on a two-hour [leak – missions - repair ] to replace a broken fuel pump.
f Some drivers have a sat-nav [secret- space walk- system] in their car to help them find the best route.
g The rocket is going to reach the moon on Tuesday. Everyone watched the[astronaut – examined- launch] on TV.
h Space [ leak - missions - repair ] can take several years.
1 “This year, I’m going on holiday with my family to Italy.”
a “I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.” b “I’m sure you’re enjoying it.” c “I’m sure you enjoy it.”
2 “Are you leaving this evening?”
a “Yes, my train is going to leave at 7.15.” b “Yes, my train leaves at 7.15.” c “Yes, my train will leave at 7.15.”
5 “I’m going on holiday to Europe this October. Should I take an umbrella?”
a “Yes, it’s probably raining.” b “Yes, it probably rains.” c “Yes, it’ll probably rain.”
a The moon has less [ gravity - currently -weightless ] than the Earth, so you could jump much higher there.
b Doing [ currently -weightless – gymnastics ] is a very good way of keeping fit.
c Two of the [ spokes - gravity - currently ] on the front wheel of my bike were broken in the accident.
d The [ distance - currently -weightless ] between Cairo and London is 3,500 kilometres.
e When you are [ gravity - currently -weightless ] in space, it must be very difficult to stand still.
F [ gravity - currently -weightless ] I’m working for important exams. Then, when I finish, I’m going on holiday.
find and correct the mistakes
a I’ve decided that I’m doing more exercise in the future.
b It’s a really good film. I’m sure you enjoy it.
c Thirty kilometres are a long way to walk in hot weather.
d Millions of cars produce by Japanese companies every year.
e In many countries, children take the right to go to school until the age of 16.
f Electricity is produced in energy stations.
Unit ( 2 )
classics دراسة الادب الیونانى و الرومانى القديم coronation تتويج
couple زوجان alike متشابه
debate مناقشة / مناظرة / يناقش attend يحضر
escapism الھروب من الواقع castle قلعة
fictional story قصة خیالیة the right to الحقفى
publication مطبوعة / نشر occasion مناسبة
Well-educated علىقدر جید من التعلیم wealthy غنى / ثرى
choose the correct answer :Unit ( 2 )
a My brother is a very [ well educated - escapism - publication ] man. He went to Cairo University and then Oxford.
b We’re having a [ classics – debate – fictional ] at school next week about ways of reducing global warming.
c For some people, reading and watching films are forms of [ well-educated - escapism – publication ] .
d In the past, many English children studied [ classics – debate – fictional ] at school. Now most schools teach modern languages.
e Oliver Twist is the [ classics – debate – fictional ] hero of one of Charles Dickens’s most famous novels.
f The Prisoner of Zenda was ready for [ publication– debate – fictional ] a few months after Anthony Hope thought of the idea.
a Novels are usually works of [ fiction - fictional – fissionable ] , but they are often based on real life.
b Anthony Hope’s first novel was [ publication - published – publish ] in 1890.
c Films and books can sometimes help people to [ escapism- escapist - escape ] from their worries.
d My brother had a good [ education - educated – educate ]. He went to one of the best universities.
e You can still see a lot of [ classical - classic - classics ] architecture in Greece and Rome.
a Classics [ was / were - are ] a required subject long ago.
b People [ was - is / are ] funny sometimes.
c How [ much - many – a lot ] seconds is /are in an hour?
d Ten kilometres [ were – is- are ] a long way to run.
e One of the players in the blue team [ is – are – were ] very tall.
a Although everyone in my family works very hard, we are not a [ coronation –wealthy - right ] family.
b In Britain, children [ attend–wealthy - right ] primary school between the ages of 5 and 11.
c The [ coronation –wealthy - right ]of Queen Elizabeth II took place in 1952. It was a fantastic ,millions of people went to London to watch.
d Nobody has the [ coronation –wealthy - right ] to steal things from other people.
e Some twins are [ alike–wealthy - right ] more than others.
f [castles–wealthy - right ] were usually made from stone to stop attackers from breaking in.
find and correct the mistakes
a Five litres of petrol are enough for me to get to work.
b My five-year-old sister will start a school in September.
c The police is going to get new uniforms.
d Fifty degrees are a very high temperature.
e Athletics were my father’s favourite sport.
Unit ( 3)
liquid سائل coal الفحم
molten منصھر atom الذرة
nuclear نووى atomic ذرى
pipe أنبوبة / ينقل بالأنابیب fossil fuels وقود الحفريات
power station محطة طاقة generate يولد
pressure ضغط generation تولید / جیل
geothermal حرارى أرضى hydroelectric power طاقة كھرومائیة
renewable متجدد waste نفايات / فضلات
non-renewable غیر متجدد wind turbines محرك يعمل بقوة الرياح
choose the correct answer :Unit ( 3)
a Water is the [ liquid - pipe - power ] form of ice.
b You send a liquid or gas through a [ liquid - pipe - power ] to move it to another place.
c Electricity is produced in a [ pressure - coal - power ] station.
D [ pressure - coal - power ] is the force produced when two things push against each other.
E [ pressure - coal - power ] is a black fossil fuel from underground.
f When atoms are split, [ nuclear - molten - power ] energy is produced.
g If you make rock or metal very hot, it becomes [ nuclear - molten - power ] .
In many parts of the world, wood . [ is burnt - are used - is grown ] to heat people’s homes and for cooking.
Now plants and trees [ is burnt - are used - is grown ] in other ways.
Sugar cane [ is burnt - are used - is grown ] and used to make fuel for cars and other vehicles
In other places, vegetable oil [ is produced - is put - is turned ] from palm trees, corn
a In many countries, the wind is [ used – use – uses ] to generate electricity.
b Scientists [ want – is wanted – wants ) to find more forms of renewable energy.
c Huge amounts of energy ( produced – are produced - produce) in nuclear power stations.
d Holes [ are drilled - drill - is drilled ) into the earth to find hot water.
e In some cities, rubbish (is burnt – are burnt - burn) to produce electricity.
a Water passing through a dam produces [ fossil fuel - generate - hydroelectric] power.
b Burying [ fossil fuel - waste - hydroelectric ] in the ground can damage the environment.
c Modern [ wind turbines - renewable - waste - ] are tall towers which are built where there is a lot of wind.
d Many countries are now using more[ renewable - waste - make electricity] forms of energy from the sun and wind.
e [ fossil fuels - generate - hydroelectric ] like oil and gas are found under the ground.
f Power stations [ fossil fuel - generate - hydroelectric ] electricity.
choose the correct answer :revision A
1 Millions of people watched the rocket [a start b launch c set off d beginning] on TV.
2 The medicine I’m taking is wonderful. It has no side [a results b damage c effects d problems]
3 My brother and I are not twins, but we are very [a alike b same c like d correct ]
4 Coal and oil are two kinds of fossil [a petrol b gas c energy d fuels]
5 Electricity is produced in a/an [a bus b railway c power d energy ] station.
6 I expect [ a I’m going to see b I’ll see c I’m seeing d I see ] you at the weekend.
7 The film [ a starts b will start c started d is going to start ] at 7.30 this evening.
8 How [a many b much c lots d different ] times have you seen that film?
9 The distance from here to Cairo [ a are b has been c is d is being ] two kilometres.
1 0 In some places, wood [a are burnt b burns c burnt d is burnt ] to heat people’s homes.
find and correct the mistakes
a Much things can go wrong with a car engine.
b Many lives will be save by the devices.
c Sat-nav systems is very useful for many drivers.
d Thirty kilometres are a long way to travel on one litre of petrol.
e How many petrol does your car use?
Unit (4 )
competition مسابقة / منافسة develop يطور / ينمى
old-fashioned موضة قديمة district حىسكنى ____________/ مقاطعة / منطقة
routine الروتین establish يؤسس/ يثبت / يرسخ
attachments مرفقات law قانون
midday منتصف الیوم pioneer رائد
custom عادة style أسلوب
publisher ناشر prize جائزة
choose the correct answer :Unit (4 )
a Early black and white photos show people in [ a old-fashioned b midday c routine] clothes.
b The sun is at its strongest at[ a old-fashioned b midday c routine] .
c I don’t really have a [ a old-fashioned b midday c routine] during the holidays.
d My friends and I are going to enter an athletics[competition - attachment - routine ] . We all hope to win something.
e I sent an e-mail with two with two[competition - attachments - routine ] . They were photos of my friends.
a I [ used to read / was reading ] the newspaper every day. Now I don’t have the time.
b As soon as we arrived at school, the first lesson [ had begun / began ] .
c[ I already saw / I’d already seen] the film before I read the book.
d What [ did you do / were you doing ] when I called you? You sounded very busy.
e [ I’ve had / I had ] my own computer for three years now.
f While she [ was doing / used to do ] her homework, my sister was listening to music.
a Our block of flats [ was built - were built – built ] five years ago.
b Five trees in the park [ were cut – was cut – is cut ] down.
c Yesterday evening, the programme [ were watched - was watched - is watched ] by a million people.
d The windows at school [ was cleaned – is cleaned - were cleaned ] this morning.
e I [ were – is – was ] taken to a football match at the weekend (by my father).
f We [ was – is – were ] told that we have to give in our homework on Thursday.
a I really enjoyed this book. It is written in a very simple [ a style b district c law ]
b Yehia Haqqi came from a poor[ a style b district c law ] of Cairo.
c My brother wants to be a lawyer when he graduates, so he’s studying[ a style b district c law ] at university.
d Magdi Yacoub was one of the first heart transplant [pioneers - customs – develop]
e In my grandfather’s village, they still follow the same traditional [pioneer - customs – develop] that he used to follow when he was a boy.
f Scientists are paid to [pioneer - customs – develop] new medicines every year to help people.
a My sister loves clothes and buys very [ a fashionable b lawyer c publisher] dresses.
b His first job was as a [ a fashionable b lawyer c develop ]
c A[ a fashionable b lawyer c publisher] is someone who produces books, newspapers or magazines.
d My parents gave me a [ collection - writer – lawyer ] of modern short stories for my birthday.
e Yehia Haqqi was an important twentieth-century [ collection - writer – lawyer ]
find and correct the mistakes
a Twenty million people saw the new film already.
b My parents use to live in a small flat in the city centre.
c Yesterday evening, we revised for our English test when all the lights went out.
d I’ve attended this school for five years.
e Our school was opening exactly 25 years ago today.
f She played the piano since the age of six and she still plays every day.
Unit ( 5)
amnesia فقدان الذاكرة identity الھوية
excavation التنقیب عن الآثار innocent برئ
mousetrap مصیدة فئران invasion غزو
murder جريمة قتل secret agent عمیل سرى
poison سم spy جاسوس
leader قائد espionage الجاسوسیة
shy خجول suspect شخصمشتبه فیه / يشتبه فى
headquarters مركز القیادة / المقر الرئیسى transmitter جھاز ارسال
choose the correct answer :Unit ( 5)
a Many children are [ a shy b poison c murder ] about talking to their teacher when they first go to school.
b All the fish in the river have died. Someone must have put [ a shy b poison c murder ] in the water.
c A man has been found dead in the road. The police think it was an accident, not . [ a shy b poison c murder ]
d He banged his head and is now suffering from [amnesia - mousetrap - excavation ]
e After they saw the mouse, they decided to put a [amnesia - mousetrap - excavation ] in the kitchen.
f Archaeologists are planning a new [amnesia - mousetrap - excavation ] in the south of the country.
a The Mousetrap [ have written – were written - was written ] as a radio play in 1947.
b Agatha Christie’s books have been translated [ in – to – at into ] more than forty languages.
c The 2008 Olympic Games [ have watched – has watched - were watched ] by millions of people all over the world.
d Petra [ has - was - have is ] captured by the Romans in CE106.
e The Eiffel Tower in Paris [ is – were - was ] designed by Gustave Eiffel in 1889.
f The Cairo Metro [was used – has been used - is used ] by about two million passengers every day.
a Many of Agatha Christie’s stories [ has been – were been - have been ] made into films and TV programmes.
b This year’s prize for crime fiction [ have – were - has ] been won by a 78-year-old man.
c The last World Cup Final [ have – were - was ] seen on TV by three hundred million people.
d English and Arabic [ is – have - are ] spoken in most tourist offices.
e One of our classroom windows [ have – were - has ] been broken (by someone).
A famous tennis player is believed to [ be hurt – hurt – hurted ] after a city centre road accident.
b It is now [ known – knows – know ] that Egypt was visited by an increasing number of tourists last year.
c It is believed that younger pupils [ are being – are – have been ] taught languages in schools.
d It has been reported that a new pyramid [ was – have been - has been ] found by archaeologists at Saqqara.
a Police are looking for someone who stole a car yesterday. The main [ a suspect b transmitter c spy ] is a man in his forties.
b They are using a very powerful [ a suspect b transmitter c spy ] to send signals to the astronauts.
c Working as a[ a suspect b transmitter c spy ] in a foreign country can be a very dangerous job.
d In many countries, people have to carry an [ Identity - invasion - spy ] card to prove who they are.
e In Britain in the 1940s, people were afraid of an [ Identity - invasion - spy ] by the enemy.
a The Romans [ a invaded b identify c innocence ] Britain in 43 BCE.
b We saw a lot of photographs, but we couldn’t [ a invaded b identify c innocence ] the man we’d met.
c How did the man prove his [ a invaded b identify c innocence ] ?
d The enemy used radios to[ transmit - suspected - innocence ] messages to their ships.
e They[ transmit - suspected - innocence ] that the driver had been going very fast at the time of the accident.
Unit ( 6)
bark اللحاء products منتجات
harden يجعله صلبا rubber مطاط
ring حلقة sap عصارة
tube أنبوب toothpaste معجون أسنان
cardboard ورق مقوى / كرتون turpentine زيت يستخرج من شجر الصنوبر
instrument أداة calculate يحسب
extract يستخرج / يستخلص width عرض/ اتساع
Choose the correct answer :Unit ( 6)
a The [ a roots b bark c leaves ] are the parts of trees that grow under the ground and find water.
b The hard outside part of a tree is called the [ a roots b bark c leaves ]
c [ a roots b bark c leaves ] are the flat green parts at the ends of the branches of a tree.
d A [ fruit - rings - branch ] grows on a plant or tree and has seeds inside.
e Every year, trees grow extra [ fruit - rings - branch ] of new wood.
a Every year, the cells under the bark of a tree [ hard – strong - harden ] and become new wood.
b This road is too narrow for all today’s traffic, so they’re going to[ a harden b widen c strengthen ] it.
c That old bridge over the river is very weak. They’ll have to [ a harden b widen c strengthen ] it soon.
d My new trousers are too long, so my mother is going to[ shorten - sharpen - lengthen ] them for me.
e This knife doesn’t cut very well. I need to[ shorten - sharpen - lengthen ] it.
f That film is so popular that the queues to see it [ shorten - sharpen - lengthen ] every day.
a A I want to make tea the English way. What [ should – will - would ] I do?
a What is the liquid that carries food in trees? [ a sap b a musical instrument c turpentine ]
b What is a piano? [ a sap b a musical instrument c turpentine ]
c What can we use to remove paint? [ a sap b a musical instrument c turpentine ]
d What are many boxes made of? [ cardboard - rubber - toothpaste ]
e What are car tyres and the bottoms of some shoes made of? [ cardboard - rubber - toothpaste ]
f What do people put on their brush to clean their teeth? [ cardboard - rubber - toothpaste ]
find and correct the mistakes
a If those goats eat the bark on my trees, the trees die.
b If water freezes, it turn to ice.
c If people not get enough food, they become ill.
d If it goes on raining for much longer, the river flood.
e If the farmer’s fields get very dry this summer, he irrigate them.
a If you heat ice, it melt.
b If there is a sandstorm tonight, the town will full of sand tomorrow.
c If you mix yellow and blue, you will get green.
d If you don’t water these plants soon, they die.
e If the wind was very strong, it’ll blow trees down.
a If you leave now, you catch your train.
b Water will freeze if the temperature is zero or below.
c If you throw that stone, you break a window.
d I get a headache if I spend too long on the computer.
e If she trains hard, she wins next week’s race.
f If you’ll mix red and white, you get pink.
Choose the correct answer :revision B
1 When I was at school I won a poetry writing ……………..
a race b article c competition d game
2 She sent me the report as an e-mail…………………. .
a attachment b letter c picture d article
3 The little girl does not want to sing because she is……………….. .
a innocent b secret c spy d shy
4 My favourite musical…………………. is the piano.
a player b instrument c tool d equipment
5 The cover of my book is made of………………….. .
a glass b rubber c cardboard d wood
6 We arrived half an hour late. The film………………. half an hour earlier.
a began b was beginning c had begun d has begun
7 Agatha Christie’s books…………………… into more than 40 languages.
a have been translated b have translated c translated d were being translated
8 The Romans……………………. Petra nearly two thousand years ago.
a have captured b were captured c captured d had captured
9 Your train leaves in ten minutes. If you ……………..hurry, you it.
a catch b will catch c would catch d are catching
1 0 If I am thirsty ,……………… water.
a I will drink b I would drink c I am drinking d I drank
a Hercule Poirot is a detective who works [ in - with - on] crimes.
b Mr Ratchett believed that his life was [ in - with - on] danger.
c Poirot worked [ in - with - on] a doctor who was also on the train.
d The murder suspect was still [ in - with - on] the train at the end of the story.
e Thirteen people had taken part [ in - with - on] . the murder.
find and correct the mistakes
a My father loves his job. He worked for the same company for 20 years.
b When I was younger, I use to want to be a pilot.
c If you kick the ball too hard, you break that window.
d The Mousetrap written by Agatha Christie.
e Travelling by plane sometimes makes me a headache.
f The street where I live is only three metres width.
Unit ( 7)
commuter شخصيسافر الى و من العمل carve ينحت
diameter قطر cliff جرف: منحدر صخرى شاھق
engineering الھندسة illuminate ينیر / يضئ
investment استثمار monument اثر
invest بستثمر be positioned يوضع فى مكان معین
investor مستثمر raise يرفع / يربى
massive ضخم / ھائل rays أشعة
base قاعدة unthinkable غیر وارد التفكیر فیه / مستحیل
Choose the correct answer :Unit ( 7)
a My father studied [ engineer - engineering ] at university and has designed many important bridges.
b Education is [ an investment- a wish ] in the future of a country and its young people.
c Nearly four million [ commuters - travelers ] travel to and from London every day.
d The Great Wall of China was [ an investment - a massive ] project which took hundreds of years to complete.
e That tunnel has a [ size - diameter ] of 7.6 metres.
a The quickest way to get to the city centre is to [ come - go - take ] an underground train.
b A journey on the underground [ costs – cost – pays ] one pound.
c People can [ keeps – keep – save ] money by travelling on the underground.
d The first line of the Paris Metro system [ started – open – opened ] in 1900.
a There [ may – might – must ] have been a sandstorm. The streets are covered in sand.
b She [ must – may – might ] have rung me early this morning. I was out until midday.
c He [ may - can’t – might – must ] have missed his train. He’s usually late.
d Ali [ may – might - can’t ] have forgotten. He’s got a very good memory.
e It [ might – may - must ] have been very windy during the night. There are branches all over the ground.
f His watch [ may – might - can’t ] have cost a lot of money. It’s made of plastic.
A I don’t know where my school bag is, Mum. B It’s not here. You [ might - can’t ] have left it on the train.
b A Look, Hesham’s keys are on the table. B He [ can’t –must ] have seen them when he left this morning.
c A I rang you this morning, but you didn’t answer. B Sorry, I [ can’t – must ] have been asleep.
d A He’s only been in the laboratory for ten minutes. B Surely he [ can’t – must ] have finished his experiment already.
e A Ali fell off his bike this morning. Do you know if he’s OK? B His mother says he [ must - might ] have broken his arm.
a The height of the [ a cliff b carved c illuminate ] is 25 metres.
b The artist [ a cliff b carved c illuminate ] the sculpture from a massive piece of stone.
c At night, bright lights always [ a cliff b carved c illuminate ] the front of the palace.
d If you want to ask the teacher a question, you should [ raise - positioned - monument ] your hand.
e The Sphinx is [ raise - positioned - monument ] near the Pyramids of Giza.
f The statue of the pharaoh is a famous ancient [ raise - positioned - monument ]
g The statue is built on a hard [ raise - positioned - monument – base ] made of concrete.
a A I think this structure was built about 200 years ago.
B It [ can’t - must ] have been very difficult. Those pieces of metal look incredibly heavy.
b A Do you think they made the pieces nearby or brought them from somewhere else?
B They [ can’t – might ] have brought them very far. They’re too big.
c A They [ might - must ] have brought them by boat.
d B No, they [ can’t - must ] have brought them by boat. The boat would have sunk!
e A However they did it, it [ might - must ] have been hard work for a lot of people.
Unit ( 8)
admit يعترف / يقر blackmail يبتز / ابتزاز
biography سیرة حیاةشخص colleague زمیل عمل
knock يطرق / طرقة commit يرتكب
permanently بصفة دائمة Crime جريمة
profession مھنة human nature الطبیعة البشرية
recuperate يتعافى / يستجم in conflict فى حالة صراع
respectable محترم personality شخصیة
appearance مظھر will وصیة / ارادة
Choose the correct answer :Unit ( 8)
a My brother went on holiday to Aswan. Now he’s decided to live there [ a permanently b admit c knocked ] .
b I thought the test would be easy, but I must , I’m finding it quite difficult. [ a permanently b admit c knocked ]
c Someone [ a permanently b admit c knocked ] on our door late last night, but I didn’t open it.
d Doctors and nurses belong to the medical [ profession - respectable - is recuperating ]
e All my friends come from very [ profession - respectable - is recuperating ] families.
f My grandfather[ a permanently b admit c knocked ] at the moment after a long illness.
g I’m reading a new [ profession - respectable - biography ] of William Shakespeare. He had a very interesting life.
a Ali wasn’t badly injured in the accident, but his [a recuperation b permanent c biographical ] took longer than we thought.
b I’ve worked in a lot of different places. Now I’d like a more [a recuperation b permanent c biographical ] job.
c You can find [a recuperation b permanent c biographical ] information about many writers on the internet.
d When he said sorry, it was an[ admission - respect - professionally ] that he had been wrong.
e I [ admission - respect - professionally ] people who are honest and work hard.
f If you are a doctor, it’s very important to behave [ admission - respect - professionally ] towards your patients.
a She has a very nice [ a personality b commit c will ] . She is kind to everyone she meets.
b People who[ a personality b commit c will ] serious crimes should be sent to prison.
c He left everything to his son in his [ a personality b commit c will ]
d When my brother started his new job, all his [ colleagues - appearance - will ] were friendly and helpful.
e If you are going for a job interview, your [ colleague - appearance - will ] is important. You must look your best.
a Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde [ makes - takes - make ] place in London.
b Dr Jekyll was [ doing – making – make ] research into human nature.
c He started [ doing - making – took ] experiments on himself.
d He [ did - made - take ] a special medicine for himself.
e When he [ put - took - made ] the medicine, he changed into Mr Hyde.
f The medicine [ made – took - takes ] him do terrible things.
find and correct the mistakes
a She promised that she will be home the next morning.
b He asked me where I have been.
c She admitted that her brother was helping her with her homework this afternoon.
d He asked me can I had finished reading the book he had lentme the week before.
e She said they were meet them there the following Saturday.
f I asked Leila what she was hope to study at university.
a Nadia wanted to know if I am doing anything interesting at the weekend.
b I admitted to I didn’t have any plans.
c Nadia wanted to know if I will like to go shopping with her.
d I explained to I would have to ask my mother.
e Nadia asked if I could phoned her to tell her what she said.
f I promised I would phone her this evening .
Unit ( 9)
geyser نبع ماء حار / سخان میاه cause سبب
volcano بركان drought الجفاف
electric storm عاصفة كھربیة lightning البرق
absorb يمتص northern شمالى
eclipse كسوف / خسوف occur يحدث / يقع
harmful ضار Phenomenon ظاھرة
sight منظر / البصر rainfall سقوط الامطار
ultraviolet rays أشعة فوق بنفسجیة southern جنوبى
Choose the correct answer :Unit ( 9)
a The best thing about our holiday to Iceland was our visit to the see the [ a geyser b absorb c eclipse ]
b If it rains so hard that the soil cannot [ a geyser b absorb c eclipse ] the water quickly enough, there are floods.
c When there is an[ a geyser b absorb c eclipse ] of the sun, everything goes dark and the birds stop singing.
d You cannot see[ ultraviolet rays - sight - eclipse ] , but they can still damage your skin.
e She does not need to wear glasses. There is nothing wrong with her [ ultraviolet rays - sight - eclipse ]
1 If we didn’t get heat and light from the sun, there [ will – would have - would ] be no life on Earth.
2 If you [ take – takes – took ] the temperature at its centre, you’d find it was 15 million degrees.
3 If you look at the sun, you’ll [ damaged – damages - damage ] your sight.
4 [Is - if – can ] it OK if you look at the sun wearing sunglasses?
5 If he hadn’t looked at the sun, he [ will not – would - wouldn’t have ] damaged his sight.
a Scientists are not sure what [ a causes b southern c phenomenon ] volcanoes to erupt.
b Greece and Spain are in[ a causes b southern c phenomenon ] Europe.
c An eclipse of the sun is a strange natural [ a causes b southern c phenomenon ]
d Storms can [ occur - drought – lightning ] at any time and in any place.
e It has not rained here for five months. It is the longest [ occur - drought – lightning ] anyone can remember.
f When I was a child, I used to be afraid of storms. I covered my eyes so that I could not see the[ occur - drought – lightning ]
a Alexandria is in the [a north b occurrence c phenomenally d southerly ] of Egypt.
b Electrical storms are a common[a north b occurrence c phenomenally d southerly ] in our part of the country.
c Those trees have grown[a north b occurrence c phenomenally d southerly ] tall in the last two years.
d Where we live, the wind usually blows in a[a north b occurrence c phenomenally d southerly ] direction.
a Very [ big – high tall ] temperatures can make people ill.
b Dunwich was destroyed by [ high – big - tall ] waves and [ cruel - violent ] storms.
c Storms can cause [ big - serious - strong ] damage.
d [ Heavy – big – Strong ] rain and [ heavy strong ] winds destroyed buildings all over the country.
e Denmark is in [ north – northern – northerly ] Europe.
find and correct the mistakes
a If it hasn’t rain so heavily, we wouldn’t have had floods.
b I will go to the moon if I were asked.
c If it is very hot tomorrow, we not go to the beach.
d People who live near volcanoes leave home if they erupts.
e If I were you, I listen to the weather forecast before deciding where to go tomorrow.
f If the storm had reached the city, houses and shops be destroyed.
a If you look at the sun, you would damage your sight.
b If there is clouds in the sky tonight, you will not be able to see the moon.
c If it had been an eclipse, the sky will have gone dark.
d If I discovered a new planet, I will give it my mother’s name.
e If there was an eclipse of the sun in my country, I would definitely watched it.
f If you watched the sky on a clear night, you can see stars and planets.
a If the sun didn’t give light and heat, there wouldn’t been any life on Earth.
b If you wear a hat, your face wouldn’t get burnt.
c It was better for your eyes if you wear sunglasses.
d If you hadn’t spent so long in the sun, you wouldn’t have get burnt.
e If it’s warm and sunny tomorrow, I would go swimming.
a cause…… make something disappear
b phenomenon……. something unusual that happens
c southern…….. in or from the north part of a country or area
d lightning….. the noise you hear during an electrical storm
e occur……. make
f drought ………a long period of rain
Choose the correct answer :revision C
1 Too much sun can be ………………………..
a respectable b harmful c unthinkable d in conflict
2 We……………………. on the door three times, but they did not hear us.
a visited b called c hit d knocked
3 Nurses are part of the medical……………………….. .
a profession b work c job d career
4 I get on well with all my…………………. at work, but they are not close friends.
a people b workers c colleagues d relatives
5 The accident…………. at eight o’clock when everyone was on their way to work.
a occurred b took c came d caused
6 They left two hours ago, so they………………….. arrived by now. It is not far.
a must b must have c have d can’t have
7 No one is sure where Ali is, but we think he ……………gone to see his uncle.
a must b can’t have c might have d must have
8 She asked me whether……………………. there before.
a I had been b I went c I go d had I been
9 If…………………. for too long, I get a headache.
a I’ll read b I read c I had read d I would read
10 If you had come ten minutes later, I ………………………..
a would leave b will leave c leave d would have left
find and correct the mistakes
a I’m not sure how well I did in the test at school today, but I think I might pass.
b You can’t have been very thirsty. There’s no orange juice left in the bottle.
c I asked him where had he been all morning.
d If it had been too hot, we wouldn’t go to the beach.
e What about go shopping this afternoon?
f How in earth is it possible to irrigate the desert?
First Term Tests
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 This medicine is safe. There are no . [ a top effects b side effects c leaks d waste ]
2 I’m going to have lunch with friends tomorrow. We are[ going to meet - would meet - will meet – meet] at the restaurant at 12.30.
3 The [ a district b area c distance d space ] between Cairo and my town is 650 kilometres.
4 It is hard to walk in space because there is no [ a gravity b waiting c spin d air ]
5 In Britain, children [ a go b intend c share d attend ] secondary school from the age of 11.
6 Most furniture[ a made b is made c make d makes ] from wood.
7 Many people [ a growing b are grown c grow d is grown ] vegetables in their gardens.
8 In very hot weather, ice cream turns to[ a water b soft c liquid d solid ]
9 We call oil and coal [ a fossil b old c renewable d waste ] fuels.
1 0 She [ a will become b am becoming c is going to becom ] an archaeologist when she leaves university. That is her plan.
1 1 He is flying to London at the weekend. His flight [ a leaving b leaves c left d leave ] at 5.30 in the morning.
1 2 We don’t have [ a many b some c a lot d much ] time. We’ll have to hurry.
1 3 My friend and I look very different, but our personalities are [ a alike b same c common d like ]
1 4 Six months [ a are b is c be d am ] half a year.
1 5 The walls of the [ a pyramid b mission c castle d house ] were built to protect the town.
1 6 I am writing [ a essay b a essay c the essay d that essay ] that my teacher asked for.
1 I expect I [ a am going to see b am seeing c ’ll see d see ] you at the weekend.
2 After the accident, the doctor [ a examined b looked at c tested d studied ] her to check she was not injured.
3 Do you have [ a) a b) the c) many d) any ] free time this afternoon?
4 We went to the opening of a new school last week. It was a very interesting [ a occasion b time c view d situation ]
5 Petrol[ a made b is made c makes d are made ] from oil.
6 Wind and wave power are types of [ a new b waste c renewable d cheap ] energy.
7 When I was younger, I [ a usually b used c use d used to ] go swimming every day.
8 My sister [ a is b has been c is being d had been ] at university for three years. She comes home every weekend.
9 The police think he did it. He is the main [ a suspect b pioneer c publisher d agent ]
1 0 I really enjoy reading Agatha Christie novels. I particularly like her [ a way b style c system d design]
1 1 It [ a is thought b was thought c thought d thinks ] that air travel will become more popular in the future.
1 2 He did nothing wrong. He’s [ a suspect b guilty c innocent d sensible]
1 3 If he doesn’t get eight hours sleep every night, he [ a will feel b feels c would feel d is feeling ] really tired the next day.
1 4 If I have any free time tomorrow, [ a I went b I go c I’d go d I’ll go ] for a walk in the park.
1 5 The piano is our favourite musical[ a tool b instrument c equipment d device ]
1 6 Her uncle can’t remember his accident. The doctor thinks he may have [ a a headache b phobia c amnesia d injury]
1 Don’t worry. I’m sure [a you see b you’re seeing c you’ll see d you’re going to see ] them again soon.
2 Wanting friends is part of human [ a nature b conflict c will d life]
3 They have just received this photo as an e-mail [ a post b attachment c letter d part ]
4 Lightning is a dangerous but natural [a sight b response c eclipse d phenomenon ]
5 She didn’t see her brother this morning. He[ a must have left b must leave c can’t have left d can’t leave ] the flat very early.
6 He left his glasses at school yesterday. I’m hoping someone [ a must have b might have c can’t have d can have ] found them.
7 The quickest way for Sawsan to get to school is to [ a go b bring c come d take ] a train.
8 That plant has been [ a explored b raised c positioned d put ] so that it gets lots of light.
9 Taha’s mother asked him where[ a he had been b had he been c has he been d he has been ]
1 0 She promised she [a will phone b phoned c would phone d phones ] me as soon as the plane landed.
1 1 Is that someone [a hitting b knocking c smashing d beating ] on our door? I’ll see who it is.
1 2 Their uncle is a scientist. He’s[ a making b taking c getting d doing ] research into new forms of energy.
1 3 If you [ a had left b leave c would have left d left ] earlier, you wouldn’t have missed your train.
1 4 [ a If b Unless c When d As ] you work harder, you’ll fail your exam.
1 5 I’m hot today. How about [ a gone b going c went d go ] to the beach?
1 6 Accidents [ a take part b come in c cause d occur ] more frequently when the roads are busy.
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write it correctly
a She’s going meet her sister in town.
b I fixed the lake in the petrol tank.
c How many time do I need to drive to the city centre?
d Oil and gas are find under the ground.
e Water is the solid form of ice.
f The married team went to Italy on their honeymoon.
a I need to get fit, so I’ve made a decision. I do more exercise.
b The Prisoner of Zenda was wrote by Anthony Hope.
c We moved to this house two years ago today, so we lived here for exactly two years.
d Before I entered the university, I had to show my credit card.
e If you heat water, it melts.
f Ra’fat El-Haggan and Goma’a El-Shawwan were very famous Egyptian kings.
a They can’t have went very far, so let’s try to find them.
b Teachers and supervisors belong to the teaching confession.
c He asked me if saw his newspaper.
d The statue of Ramses II is a very important Ancient Egyptian magnet.
e People can waste lots of money by using the underground.
f The accident wouldn’t happen if he hadn’t been using his mobile phone.
Unit (10)
achieve يحقق / ينجز theory نظرية
cancer السرطان amount كمیة / مقدار
cure علاج invisible غیر مرئى
diabetes مرضالسكر release يطلق / اطلاق
gradually بالتدريج gain يزداد / يكتسب
result نتیجة regularly بانتظام
specialise يتخصص process عملیة
Choose the correct answer :Unit (10)
a The [ a result b achieve c specialize ] of the experiment surprised everyone.
b You will never[ a result b achieve c specialize ] very much if you do not work hard.
c At school, students learn many subjects, but when they get to university, they usually [ a result b achieve c specialize ]
d Scientists often do experiments to prove a particular [ theory - gradually - diabetes ]
e I found playing the guitar very difficult at first, but in the last two weeks I’ve [ theory - gradually - diabetes ] improved.
f People who have[ theory - gradually - diabetes ] must be very careful about what they eat.
a She has been [ a diabetic b achievement c gradual ] since she was a child.
b His greatest [ a diabetic b achievement c gradual ] was becoming the captain of the national team when he was 16.
c There was a [ a diabetic b achievement c gradual ] improvement in her school work .
d My doctor didn’t know what was wrong with me, so he sent me to see a . [ specialist - Theoretically - gradual ]
e , [ specialist - Theoretically - gradual ] anyone can travel to the moon.
a My dad wishes he [ had – have – has ] a bigger car.
b My brother wishes he had [ studies – study - studied ] medicine at university.
c They wish they [ will – can – could ] speak French.
d She wishes she [ have – has - had ] more time.
e She wishes she’d listened [ to – at – for ] the teacher’s advice.
f He [ wish – wished - wishes ] he could play the piano.
a I’m eating less than usual because I don’t want to [ achieve – gain – gained ] too much weight.
b Scientists test their [ processes – theories – thery ] by doing experiments.
c When the earth moves, it causes earthquakes. This is a completely natural [ amount – process – a lot ] .
d A huge [ amount – number – process ] of water came down the river and flooded the city.
e We visit our grandparents [ gradually – regularly – gradual ] . We see them every Monday.
a Leaves falling from trees in the autumn is a completely natural [ a process b regularly c invisible ]
b Farmers water their crops[ a process b regularly c invisible ] to make sure they grow well.
c The little boy who was hiding behind the door thought he was [ a process b regularly c invisible ] , but you could just
see the top of his head.
d If you don’t turn the taps off, you can waste a huge [ amount - process - gain ] of water in a short time.
e There are some sports where it is good to [ amount - process - gain ] weight, rather than lose it.
find and correct the mistakes
a achieve fail to do something you wanted to do .
b diabetes a disease in which there is too much water in the blood
c gradually quickly, over a short time
d result something that happens because of something else
e specialise work on many different subjects
f theory an explanation for something which has been proved to be true
a I wish the school holidays are longer.
b If only I haven’t forgotten where I put my mobile phone.
d I’m really tired this morning. I wish I had sleep more last night.
e Ali wishes he can come to your party, but he’s not feeling well.
f I wish I didn’t lent her my dictionary. She’s taken it home with her.
Unit (11)
finance (n / v) تمويل / يمول accuse of يتھم ب
finance موارد مالیة envious حسود
historical تاريخى fiancé خطیب
lecturer مُحاضر fiancée خطیبة
object to (v) يعترضعلي recognize يتعرف علي
assistant مساعد revenge الثأر / الانتقام / ينتقم
imprisonment الحبس/ السجن treason الخیانة
playwright كاتب مسرحي victim ضحیة
Choose the correct answer :Unit (11)
a Famous artists sometimes had [ a assistants b playwrights c lecturer ] to help them.
b Shakespeare is one of the world’s most famous [ a assistants b playwrights c lecturer ]
c My uncle works as a maths [ a assistants b playwrights c lecturer ] at the university in Alexandria.
d I really [ object - imprisonment - historical - finances] to people using mobile phones in the library.
e After five years [ object - imprisonment - historical - finances] , the criminal wanted to live as an honest man.
f I’m very interested in the past. That’s why I like [ object - imprisonment - historical - finances] novels.
g Accountants help people with their[ object - imprisonment - historical - finances]
a The scientist said she needed an [ a assistant b imprisonment c argument ] to help her with her experiment.
b His [ a assistant b imprisonment c argument ] was on an island in the middle of a river.
c The children had an [ a assistant b imprisonment c argument ] about who had won the race.
d When his grandfather was a boy, he worked as a [ servant - punishment - agreement ] for a rich man.
e Staying late at school was his [ servant - punishment - agreement ] for talking in class.
f The politicians could not reach an [ servant - punishment - agreement ] on what to do next.
a By the time he was 12, my brother[ learnt - had learnt ] three languages. He [spoke - had spoken ] Arabic, English and French.
b When I went/had gone to my friend’s flat, she [ already left - had already left ] for school.
c Last year, I spent/had spent a month in France. I [ dreamt - had dreamt ] of going there since I [ was - had been ] a child.
d Leila and her husband [ moved - had moved ] into their own flat last weekend. Before that, they [ lived - had lived ] with Leila’s parents.
e My father [ retired - had retired ] last week. He [ worked - had worked ] for the same company all his life.
a Some of Edmond’s friends accused him [ for - from - of - to ] something he had not done.
b They were envious[ for - from - of - to ] him because he was happy and successful.
c Edmond was planning to get married [ for - from - of - to ] his fiancée.
d After he was arrested, Edmond was sent [ for - from - of - to ] prison for life.
e Edmond escaped [ for - from - of - to ] prison and found Faria’s hidden treasure.
f Edmond objected [ for - from - of - to ] his friends’ accusations.
g Edmond rescued Valentine [ for - from - of - to ] her cruel family.
a After the earthquake, the village was not [ a recognisable b accusers c envy ]
b Some of his [ a recognisable b accusers c envy ] were his best friends.
c My little brother looked with[ a recognisable b accusers c envy ] at my new computer game.
d She is so clever that she is in the[ enviable - recognition – accusation ] situation of being able to choose her university.
e He looked at the old man with no sign of [ enviable - recognition – accusation ]
f The [ enviable - recognition – accusation ] against Edmond was false.
find and correct the mistakes
1-After his father died, she didn’t send Alexandre to school.
2 By the time Alexandre was 20, his mother spent all her money.
3 He find work as a secretary to someone who had been a friend of his father’s in the army.
4 Before he write The Count of Monte Cristo, he had become famous as a playwright.
5 They discovered that Dumas had be employing other people to write for him.
a Before Dumas write his novels, he had written plays.
b His father probably died young because he spend time in prison.
c The man Dumas worked for in Paris know his father.
d Dumas. (be) already a successful writer when people realise that his books had been writing by other people.
e Dumas check what his assistants had written .
f When he die in 1870, his son had been looking after his finances for a few years.
a Karim fall asleep during the football match because he had gone to bed late the night before.
b Ali ate a sandwich during the game because he not have enough time to eat before it started.
c Hassan borrowed money from Ali because he left his money at home
d Adel ask which team was red because he had not see these teams before.
e Jack know Steve was at the match because Steve had phoned him before he went.
Unit (12)
celebrate يحتفل distinctive مُمًیًز وواضح
drum طبلة event ( حدث (ھام
fireworks ألعاب نارية evolve يتطور
landmark مًعلًم ھام folk شعبي/ الموسیقيوالأغاني الشعبیة
mark (v/n) يُمثل/ يكون إيذانا ببدء / يصحح responsibility مسئولیة
position وضع / مكان / مكانة / وظیفة / مركز vary يتنوع / يختلف
procession موكب harvest الحصاد / يحصد
Choose the correct answer :Unit (12)
a [ a fireworks b position c landmark ] can be very dangerous, so they shouldn’t be given to young children.
b We scored a goal because the other team’s goalkeeper was in the wrong [ a fireworks b position c landmark ]
c The Eiffel Tower in Paris is one of the world’s most famous [ a fireworks b position c landmarks ]
d Forty members of our family got together to[ celebrate - drum - procession ] my grandfather’s birthday.
e If you hit them hard, [ celebrate - drum - procession ] s make a very loud noise.
f A [ celebrate - drum - procession ] of about twenty thousand people moved slowly towards the king’s palace.
1 Thousands of people enjoy [ looking - to look – looks ] at the sculptures.
2 The snow and ice sculptures may [ being – be – was ] famous landmarks.
3 I remember [ watching - to watch – watches ] a TV programme about it.
4 I really want [ seeing - to see – seen ] one of these festivals.
5 I’ll suggest [ going - to go – goes ] to the Sham El-Nessim festival in Egypt next year.
a I’ve arranged [ to go – goes – going ] to the theatre with my family.
b I’ve decided [ to study – studying – studies ] languages at university next year.
c I promised [ working – works - to work ] harder at school.
d I suggested [ go - going - to go ] to the football match next week.
e I hope [ to be – being – was ] a doctor when I finish my studies.
f I avoided [ getting – to get – gets ] sunburnt last week.
g I forgot [ phone - to phone – phoning ] my friend last week.
a When the children stopped [ to sing – singing – sing ], everyone clapped.
b They expect thousands of people [ to visit – visiting – visit ] Sapporo for the Snow Festival.
c My brother is learning (play – playing – to play ) the oud.
d If I were you, I’d avoid (travel - to travel – traveling ) into the city during the festival.
e My parents suggested (go – going – to go ) to the theatre.
f I really want (go - to go – going ) to Hong Kong for the Chinese New Year.
g Before you go to London, you should practise(speak - to speak – speaking ) English.
a On my first day at school, I remember [ go – to go going ] into the classroom and seeing my teacher.
b When I’m older, I want [ be – being - to be ] a doctor.
c When I’m on holiday, I enjoy [ to swim – swim - swimming ] in the sea.
d In the summer, I avoid [ to go – going – go ] out in the middle of the day.
e Soon, I expect [ to find – finding – find ] out if I passed my driving test.
a Young people are [ a responsible b irresponsible c evolution ] for protecting their country’s folk music.
b It is [ a responsible b irresponsible c evolution ] to drive dangerously, especially in towns or cities.
c The [ a responsible b irresponsible c evolution ] of the internet has taken place over the last20 years.
d Our local university offers a [ variety - various – distinction ] of language courses.
e You can buy this shirt in [ variety - various – distinction ] colours.
f I don’t understand the [ variety - various – distinction ] between who and which.
find and correct the mistakes
a He hopes winning a prize for his school work.
b I regret to go to the cinema. It was not a very good film.
c She offered taking me to the station in her car.
d We’ve just finished to watch a TV programme about Egyptian history.
e When did you decide to study biology at university?
f We’ve arranged picking my brother up from the airport.
g Ali is planning to spend all weekend revising for next week’s maths test.
h Their teacher agreed helping them find an English pen friend.
Choose the correct answer :revision D
1 I’m sorry, I didn’t …………………you. You look completely different.
a see b recognise c realise d position
2 Most secondary school teachers…………………. in one or two subjects.
a specialize b work c achieve d concentrate
3 Experiments are used to test scientific………………… .
a thoughts b processes c models d theories
4 We’re…………………. my brother’s birthday next weekend.
a enjoying b remembering c celebrating d developing
5 My favourite……………… when I play football is goalkeeper.
a place b point c location d position
6 I wish I ………………..what I was doing at the weekend.
a know b have known c knew d was knowing
7 My sister wishes she……………….. harder when she was at school.
a had worked b worked c works d has worked
8 The children were covered in sand when they…………got home. They on the beach.
a were playing b have been playing c played d had been playing
9 By the time we……………….. arrived home, we over 500 kilometres.
a travelled b had travelled c have travelled d are traveling
10 I expect ………………my driving test when I take it next year.
a pass b to pass c passing d to passing
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write it correctly.
a It was nearly midnight by the time he has finished his homework last night.
b She is very hungry when the rescue team found her. She had eaten nothing for nearly three days.
c If only they write more quickly.
d I wish there is something I could do to keep fit.
e She has decided studying medicine when she goes to university.
f My sister suggested to go to the zoo at the weekend.
Unit (13)
argue for يجادل لصالح / يدافع عن effective فعال / مؤثر
degree درجة / شھادة علمیة flight رحلة طیران
encourage يشجع impressive مؤثر / مبھر
Inspector مفتش licence رخصة
personal شخصي nursing التمريض
positive ايجابي solo منفرد / عمل منفرد
role دور suitable مناسب
be in charge of مسئول عن employ يوظف / يشغل
Choose the correct answer :Unit (13)
a My older brother has a [ a degree b positive c role ] in Maths from Cairo University.
b Exercise can have a [ a degree b positive c role ] effect on your health and fitness.
c Nurses have an important [ a degree b positive c role ] in looking after patients in a hospital.
d My parents have always [ envy - encouraged - personal ] me to work hard at school.
e I’d prefer not to talk about that. It’s something very [ envy - encouraged - personal ]
a I found university work very difficult, but my friends were always very [ a encouraging b encouragement c Personally ]
b Some students need more[ a encouraging b encouragement c Personally ] than others at school.
c , [ a encouraging b encouragement c Personally ] I believe that everyone should study science at school.
d She would be a good nurse. She has a very kind . [ personality - positively – positive ]
e It was a great football match. Both teams played very . [ personality - positively – positive ]
1 Dr Aisha Abd El-Rahman, [ which – when - who ] is better known to some people as Bint El-Shatei, is one of the most
famous people in Egyptian and Arab culture.
2 Dr Aisha used to go with him to meetings at [ whom – who – whose – which ] she learned to read and write.
3 She went to Cairo University,[ which – who - where ] she studied Arabic language and literature.
4 Dr Aisha wrote many books and articles in [ that – who – which ] she argued for a more positive role for women in the Modern world.
5 Her work, [ who – where – which ] had taken up much of her personal life, is still appreciated today.
a Dr Aisha, [ who – when – whose ] father was an important man, was born in Damietta in 1913.
b Dr Aisha wrote many articles in [who – where - which ] she discussed women and society.
c Queen Victoria, [ who - which – where ] was born in 1819, was educated in London alone, without meeting other children.
d Queen Victoria, [ where – which - who ] died in January1901, was queen of Britain for most of the nineteenth century.
e Queen Victoria, [ who – when – which ] ruled for more than63 years, was queen for longer than any other British ruler.
f Queen Victoria’s husband, Prince Albert, died in 1861, after [ which - where – who ] Victoria always wore black clothes.
a Yesterday, I played a long game of tennis with my brother,[ which – where – who] made me very tired.
b The nurse, [ when –whose -who] responsibility it is to look after young children, has worked at the hospital for ten years.
c The person [ when – which - who ] does most of the cooking in our family is my mother.
d 1837 was the year [ when - where - whose ] Victoria became queen of Britain.
e I’ve just read a newspaper article [ in which - in where – which ] the life of a famous woman is described in detail.
f My sister went to London University, [ when – where – who ] she studied history.
a Lord of the Flies is a story [ by which - for which - in which ] a group of school boys are shipwrecked on an island.
b She asked me where I had been, [ -for which - in which - to which ]I replied, “It’s a secret”.
c Tomorrow, I’m going to a meeting [ at which - by which - for which ] we’re going to discuss women’s role in society.
d He says he’s busy, [ at which - by which - for which ] he really means he doesn’t want to go out this evening.
e They said something very cruel, [ at which - by which - for which ] I think they should apologise.
a Cleopatra, [ whose – where – who ] was very beautiful, was the last pharaoh of Egypt.
b Woman’s Day, [ which – where – who ] marks an important event in1919, is on March 16.
c Alexandria, [ who – which – where ] my mother was born, is in northern Egypt.
d I have been reading about famous women, [ who – where – which ] I have found very interesting.
e Agatha Christie was a famous crime writer [ who – which – whose ] books were translated into many languages
a A 14-year-old Japanese boy has become the youngest person to complete a lonely/solo voyage across the Pacific Ocean.
b Before you can fly alone, you need to have a pilot’s licence / qualification.
c The flying / flight from London to Cairo takes about four hours.
d Some films are not right / suitable for young children.
e Doctors are always trying to find effective / helpful new treatments for diseases.
f My uncle is in charge / control of the Science Department in a secondary school.
g Your grades are impress / impressive, Jena.
.find and correct the mistakes
a argue for explain why something should not be done
b degree qualification given to someone who has successfully finished a secondary school course
c encourage try to get someone not to do something
d personal to do with a person’s private life
e positive have a bad effect
f role position that someone has in an activity or situation
g inspector something whose job it is to check that something is of a good enough standard
Unit (14)
banking الصرافة / أعمال البنوك conventional تقلیدي / متمسك بالأعراف والتقالید
bully بلطجي/ يمارسالبلطجة find out يكتشف / يتوصل لمعلومات
excitement إثارة funeral جنازة
influential مؤثر / ذو نفوذ lead to يؤدي إلي
regard … as يعتبر lifestyle أسلوب حیاة
storyteller راوي القصة spontaneous تلقائي
adventurous مغامر spontaneously بشكل تلقائي
Choose the correct answer :Unit (14)
a Some people [ a regard b storytellers c excitement ] playing computer games as a waste of time.
b Charles Dickens was one of the nineteenth century’s most famous [ a regard b storytellers c excitement ]
c After the [ a regard b storytellers c excitement ] of the day, the children couldn’t sleep
d Many people agree that Shakespeare is the most [ influential - bully – excitement ] writer in the English language.
e Children who [ influential - bully – excitement ] other children at school should be sent home.
a I’ve always been [ interested - interesting ] in animals. That’s why I’d like to work in a zoo.
b She finds long train journeys very [ tired - tiring ] . She really doesn’t enjoy them.
c He felt very [ relaxed - relaxing ] after his holiday. He had had a really lovely time.
d You’d love Australia. It’s an [ amazed - amazing ] place. You should go.
e Jurassic Park is one of the most [ excited - exciting ] films I’ve ever seen.
f I get [ bored - boring ] if I have nothing to do.
a [ Because – Despite – Although ] Graham Greene went to a good school, he was not happy. (given)
b [ After – Before – As ] working for local newspapers, he wrote for a national paper.
c [ Although – Despite – Because ] he enjoyed travelling, he visited many different countries.
d His early novels were not successful, [ to - so – as ] Greene could not give up his job as a journalist.
e [ As – in – On ] meeting Graham Greene in Mexico, I was very impressed by the man.
f [ Although – Despite - As ] moving to the healthy air of Switzerland, he died in 1991.
a I’ve been feeling tired all week, [ because - so - as ] I’m going to bed early tonight.
b On [ heard – hearing – hear ] the good news, everyone smiled and clapped.
c [ Although - As - Despite ] we ran as fast as we could, we missed the bus.
d After he [ lose - losing - lost ] his job, Mounir worked for a children’s charity.
e She phoned me [ because - but - so ] she wanted to know what time I was leaving home.
f They told him he was sure to pass the test, [ but - as - so ] he didn’t believe them.
a [ a While b Although c so ] I was on holiday, I took some great photos.
B [ a While b Although c so ] it never usually rains in Egypt, some European tourists bring umbrellas with them.
c It’s my mother’s birthday soon, [ a While b Although c so ] I want to buy her a present.
d We couldn’t buy the newspaper[ because - Despite - but ] the shop was closed.
e [ because - Despite - but ] really enjoying the book you lent me, I haven’t finished it yet.
f My father would have taken you to the airport [ because - Despite - but ] , you didn’t ask him.
a My brother is very [ adventurous - spontaneous - lead to ] He went on an expedition to the mountains last year.
b I’m not as[ adventurous - spontaneous - lead to ] as my friend. She does things as soon as she thinks of them.
c That man is not doing enough exercise. This can sometimes [ adventurous - spontaneous - lead to ] health problems.
d I want to [ find out - lifestyle - funeral – conventional ] some information. I’ll look on the internet.
e They live in the country. They have a different [ find out - lifestyle - funeral – conventional ] from people in cities.
f The politician died last week. Thousands of people attended the[ find out - lifestyle - funeral – conventional ]
g She likes unusual, modern houses. Her sister prefers traditional, [ find out - lifestyle - funeral – conventional ] architecture.
a My cousin believes in [a spontaneity b spontaneously c adventure ] . He never plans what he’s going to do.
b I didn’t think about what I was doing. I just did it . [a spontaneity b spontaneously c adventure ]
c Our holiday to Australia was a great [a spontaneity b spontaneously c adventure ] . We spent two months exploring the country.
d In some countries, it is the [a spontaneity b convention c adventure ] to shake hands whenever you meet someone.
a A [ look – see - Watch ] out! There’s a car coming! It’s ok I’ve seen it.
b [ whatever – what – when ever ] you do, don’t forget your keys! You’ll need them later.It’ll be fine I always keep them in my school bag.
c Be [ careful – happy ]That plate is really hot! if you touch it, you’ll burn yourself. Don’t worry I won’t pick it up until it’s cool.
.find and correct the mistakes
1 I only met Graham Greene once, but I’ve long been interested in his life.
2 Because his father was a school teacher, his wider family was wealthy and influential in the world of banking.
3 Graham was very unhappy at school although he was regularly bullied.
4 While he were at Oxford, he wrote a few poems.
5 He didn’t earn enough at first, to he wrote book and film reviews.
6 As being known as a difficult man, I got on very well with him.
a On see the road accident, the cars drove more slowly.
b After played football, the boys had a shower.
c Before going to bed, Ali does his science homework.
d After graduate, I’d like to work as a research scientist.
e On answering the phone, I hear a small child.
a lifestyle the way that someone dresses
b find out give information about something or someone
c funeral a ceremony for someone who has just got married
e conventional thinking and behaving in a different way from other people
f spontaneous done because you planned to do it
g adventurous exciting and involving danger
Unit (15)
available متاح / متوافر encyclopedia موسوعة / دائرة معارف
download يقوم بتحمیل (برامج أو ملفات) من الانترنت mixture خلیط / مزيج
enthusiastic about متحمسبشأن press (v) ( يضغط / يكوي (الملابس
gadget جھاز صغیر recycle (v) يُعید استخدام
paperback (book) كتاب) ذو غلاف ورقي ) roller ( بكرة / اسطوانة (تستخدم في ضغط الأشیاء
screen شاشة soak (v) ينقع أو يغمر في سائل
bleach (v) يُبُیض / يجعل لونه أبیض roll يدور / يلف / يسوي
Choose the correct answer :Unit (15)
a My mother has a special [ a gadget b enthusiastic c download ] for cutting vegetables.
b Ali is really[ a gadget b enthusiastic c download ] about his university course. He can’t wait for the beginning of the term.
c I’m going to [ a gadget b enthusiastic c download ] some information from the internet for my school project.
d The television picture is really clear. You have an enormous [ screen - available - paperback ]
e This novel is not [ screen - available - paperback ] as an e-book yet, but you’ll be able to get it next year.
f The best thing about a [ screen - available - paperback ] is that you can easily carry it and read it at any time.
a My father is a golf [a enthusiast b enthusiasm c availability ] . He plays and watches it on TV whenever he can.
b Her brother has not shown any for any [a enthusiast b enthusiasm c availability ] sport of any kind.
c That play is very popular. You’d better check the[a enthusiast b enthusiasm c availability ] of tickets.
d I wanted to complain to the manager of the shop, but he was[a enthusiast b unavailable c availability ]
1 In the future, every new book [ shall – would - will probably ] be published as an e-book
4 I think most best-sellers will be [ reading – readed - read ] as e-books
5 I’m sure some kinds of books won’t [ being – been - be ] replaced
7 By the year 2100, millions of trees and hundreds of forests will have been [ save – saving – saved ]
a I predict that in the future, mobile phones will [ make - be made – makes ] smaller.
b By this time next week, I will have [ heard - been heard ] my test results.
c We will [ use - be used ] less paper if we read e-books.
d I don’t think newspapers will ever [ replace - be replaced ] .
e The new underground railway line will have [ built - been built ] by 2012.
f I’m sorry, but your car won’t [ repair - be repaired ] this week.
a Today, paper, plastic and glass can all be [ recycled - replaced ] .
b Before you can cook these beans, you have to [ soak - bleach] them for three hours.
c The story is an interesting [ mixture - encyclopedia] of fact and fiction.
d You can [ bleach - press] white shirts to keep them looking clean.
e [ Encyclopedias - CD-ROMs ] can hold a lot of information and are small enough to carry in your pocket
.find and correct the mistakes
a In the future, more electricity will been generated from wind power.
b More of the music we listen to will be download from the internet.
c Fewer traditional newspapers will be publish.
d The price of phone calls will not been reduced .
Choose the correct answer :revision E
1 My parents have always………………. me to keep fit by playing sports.
a warned b agreed c encouraged d argued
2 When you pass your test, you’ll get a driving ……………………..
a permission b licence c paper d certificate
3 He does not want to live a……………… life. He would prefer excitement and adventure.
a conventional b daily c interesting d exciting
4 Their television…………………. is very dirty.
a window b glass c gadget d screen
5 ………………….books used to be very cheap.
a Paper b Paperback c Cardboard d Hard
6 Florence Nightingale…………………., was born in Italy, went to school in England.
a which b where c that d who
7 My uncle went to a school in London…………….., he learned to speak English well.
a which b where c who d that
8 I went to the bank this morning ……………….I needed to take out some money.
a so b although c because d and
9 I’ve felt really tired today……………., I went to bed early last night.
a because b so c despite d although
1 0 I hope that by the end of next week, our roof will have been …………….
a repair b repairing c repaired d repairs
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write it correctly.
a Queen Victoria, who husband Albert died in 1861, lived until 1901.
b The town which I was born is in the northeast of the country.
c Mustafa was happy despite he came third in the race.
d On hear the good news, Eman phoned her parents.
e We won’t be tell the results of the test until the day after tomorrow.
f Scientists believe that by 2020, a replacement for oil will have found.
Unit (16)
ambitious طًمُوح module وحدة دراسیة / جزء من مقرر دراسي
applicant ( متقدم (لوظیفة مثلا achievement انجاز
conscientious مُجد ومجتھد / حي الضمیر fluent ( طًلِق / فصیح (في لغة
CV = curriculum vitae السیرة الذاتیة neighbourhood منطقة سكنیة / سكان المنطقة
(well) established ذات مكانة مرموقة/ معروفة skill مھارة
pharmacy صیدلیة trainee متدرب
sociable اجتماعي conscience الضمیر
well-organised منظم جدا day-care centre مركز لرعاية الأطفال أو الكبار
Choose the correct answer :Unit (16)
a My brother is more [ ambitious – sociable ] than me. He gets on with everyone he meets.
b The company received over 100 CVs from interested [ applicants – employers ] .
c My bank is an [ established - organized ] company. It has been in business for over 100 years.
d If you need any medicine, there’s a [ chemistry – pharmacy ] in the village.
e My uncle was always [ ambitious - conscientious]. He was always looking for a better job.
f You’re the most [ well-established - well-organised ] person I know. You never forget anything and you’re never late.
g If you want them to interview you for the job, send them your [ BA – CV - Dr ] .
a I need some medicine. Is there a [pharmacy - well-established - organised ] near here?
b Our family has a [pharmacy - well-established - organised ] business. It was started by my grandfather in 1935.
c Our school is very [pharmacy - well-established - organised ] . The staff and students are always on time and
everyone knows exactly what they have to do.
d When they are applying for a job, some people start their [ CV - conscientious - sociable ] with personal details. Others put their
qualifications first.
e Ali is the most [ CV - conscientious - sociable ] student in the class. He works hard and cares about what he does.
f It is important for nurses to get on with their patients, so the hospital is looking for [ CV - conscientious - sociable ]
young people to train.
1 She asked me which university I [ had been - went ] to.
2 She wanted to know if I [ has – have – had ] a driving licence.
3 She asked what I [ was – were - had been ] doing since I left university.
4 She asked me whether my uncle [ knows – knew – knows ] I was trying to find another job.
5 She asked me why I [ wanted - had wanted – want ] to work for their company.
6 She wanted to know how I [ will – would – shall ] feel about working in another part of the country.
a I have very poor technical [a skills b module c achievement ] . Could you help me fix my computer?
b To get my degree, I have to complete and pass five out of the six [a skill b modules c achievement ]
c Getting into university would be my greatest [a skill b module c achievement ]
d My sister is a[ trainee - neighbourhood - fluent ] nurse at our local hospital. She will get her qualification next year.
e Most of the houses in our [ trainee - neighbourhood - fluent ] are quite old.
f Sara is[ trainee - neighbourhood - fluent ] in three languages: Arabic, English and German.
a something important that you have done [a skill b module c achievement ]
b a small area of town or the people who live there[ trainee - neighbourhood - fluent ]
c a centre where people who are old or ill can be looked after during the day [ trainee - day care - fluent ]
d able to speak a language well without stopping [ trainee - neighbourhood - fluent ]
e the ability to do something well [a skill b module c achievement ]
f someone who is being taught to do a particular job [ trainee - neighbourhood - fluent ]
.find and correct the mistakes
a She asked me if I have a car.
b She asked me weather I could tell her how old I was.
c She asked me where I am living at that time.
d She asked me if I got in well with other people.
e She asked me why I had applied for this job.
f She ask me whether I was well organised.
a The interviewer asked Mahmoud where he has studied.
b He asked him how long he has been working in Damietta.
c He wanted to know weather he was married.
d He asked him how many children he have.
e He wanted to know what he did in him spare time.
a We get on with all our neighbourhood. Everyone is so friendly.
b The people in this part of town are always very neighbourhood , especially if someone needs help.
c Even though he has only been here for six months, he can speak English fluent
d fluent is perhaps the most important language skill.
e My father has achievement many things to be proud of in his life.
f When I go to university, I’m going to do a module science degree.
g Karim is the most skill player in our team.
Unit (17)
celebrity شخصمشھور cave كھف
civil servant موظف حكومي greed الجشع
correspondent مراسل scorpion عقرب
depression كساد throw away ( out) يتخلصمن شيء برمیه
diver غواص stung / stung / stung يُلدغ
force (v) يُجبر / يُرغم treat يُعالج / يُعامل
pearl لؤلؤ merchant تاجر
publicity دعاية / شھرة / شعبیة / ذيوع stinging (adj.) لاذع
Choose the correct answer :Unit (17)
a Today’s newspaper has a very interesting report from one of their [ a correspondents b pearl c Divers ] in India.
b My grandmother’s beautiful [ a correspondent b pearl c Divers ] necklace was a wedding present from her uncle.
c Police are looking for the missing car. [ a correspondent b pearl c Divers ] have been searching the river all day.
d A well-known TV [ celebrity - depression - civil servant ] is opening a new supermarket in our town tomorrow.
e People lost their jobs and businesses closed during that year’s terrible [ celebrity - depression - civil servant ]
f I’d like to help my country by working as a [ celebrity - depression - civil servant ]
1 The programme presenter asked Dr Carter [ talking – talk - to talk ] about Steinbeck’s early life.
2 Steinbeck’s mother taught her son [ reading – read - to read ] .
3 His mother also encouraged him [ became – becoming - to become ] a writer.
4 In The Grapes of Wrath, Steinbeck forced people [ think – thinking - to think ] about the problems of the country’s poor.
5 Ahmed’s parents warned him not [ leave – leaving - to leave ] university without getting a degree.
6 The teacher wanted her students [ read – reading - to read ] The Pearl before the next lesson.
a He’s [ a teaching b asked c expect ] his son to ride a horse.
b Aleya’s mother[ a teaching b asked c expect ] her daughter to help her prepare dinner for the family.
c They’re never late, so I [ a teaching b asked c expect ] them to arrive in a few minutes.
d Our friends [ invited - advised - warned ] us to have to tea with them.
e My father has [ invited - advised - warned ] me to be careful with my money when I’m on holiday.
f The teacher [ invited - advised - warned ] the students not to talk during the test.
g The officer [ invited - ordered - warned ] the soldiers to attack.
a Being [ a stung b do business with c persuaded ] by an insect is very painful.
b That shopkeeper is always great to [ a stung b do business with c persuaded ]
c My friend [ a stung b do business with c persuaded ] me to go swimming, even though I felt ill.
d You should be careful when you [ dive - scorpion - threw away ] into water if you don’t know how deep it is.
e Although people are frightened of them, [ dive - scorpions - threw away ] don’t kill many human beings.
f I [ dive - scorpion - threw away ] the newspaper this morning. I didn’t know you hadn’t read it.
a With a little [ a persuasion b persuasive c greedy ] , he’s agreed to meet tomorrow evening.
b My sister can be very [ a persuasion b persuasive c greedy ] . She usually gets what she wants.
c Don’t be so [ a persuasion b persuasive c greedy ] ! You’ve eaten enough.
d What’s the best [ treatment - stinging - greedy ] for a headache?
e They gave a [ treatment - stinging - greedy ] report about the company’s problems.
.find and correct the mistakes
a celebrity a person who is known to a few people
b civil servant someone who works in a restaurant
c correspondent someone who writes letters to a newspaper
d depression a long period when the economy of country does well
e diver someone who swims under water
f pearl a small, round, blue object that is used in jewellery
b-Don’t forget to sending me a postcard when you’re on holiday.
b If you like, I can teach you playing tennis at the weekend.
c Ali’s father warned him not spending too much money.
d Salem encouraged his brother to working harder.
4 Khaled is expecting his friends arrive very soon.
a When I was younger, I always wanted my mother reading me stories.
b Teachers often ask their students work harder.
c Her parents wanted her to going to a good university.
d I’d encourage everyone to working for a charity.
e When I was younger, my father often warned me not waste time.
f This year, I am expecting to passed all my exams.
Unit (18)
enroll on يُسجل / يُدرج اسمه department قسم
ideal مثالي/ أفضل promotion ترقیة / ترويج
mature ( ناضج (يزيد سنه عن 25 سنة provide يوفر / يتیح
retrain يعید تدريب qualified مؤھل
rewarding مُجزي / عائد بالنفع employer صاحب العمل أوالشركة
similar مشابه / مماثل employee عامل / موظف
worthwhile جدير بالاھتمام / مفید employable صالح للعمل
Choose the correct answer :Unit (18)
a For me, a park with trees is the [ a best b enrolled c similar ] place for a picnic.
b I’ve always wanted to paint – that’s why I’ve [ a best b enrolled c similar ] on an art course.
c Most southern European countries have a [ a best b enrolled c similar ] climate: hot in summer and cold in winter.
d My cousin used to be a soldier, but now he’s [ retraining - mature students – worthwhile ] to be a teacher.
e Most of the people in my university group are in their twenties, but there are also three [ retraining - mature students– worthwhile ]
f My sister wants to be a teacher. She believes teaching is a [ retraining - mature students – worthwhile ] career.
g Doing things for other people can be a very [ retraining - mature students – rewarding ] experience.
a My family [ might - must ] go to Jordan for a holiday next year. We haven’t decided yet.
b You [ can – could ] buy almost anything online these days.
c At my sports club, everyone [ has to – should ] wear flat shoes. It’s an important rule.
d You [ could - need to ] get more practice if you want to pass your driving test.
e If you don’t understand, you [ can – should ] ask your teacher. That’s my advice.
f I really [ can - must ] go and get some bread before the shop closes.
The largest company in our town has 600 [ a employees b employable c qualified ]
b I hope the new skills I am learning at college will make me more [ a employees b employable c qualified ]
c My father is a [ a employees b employable c qualified ] engineer.
d My uncle is a teacher in the languages [ department - promotion – employer ] at our local school.
e She has worked very hard this year, so she is hoping for a [ department - promotion – employer ] at work next year.
f Everyone likes working for Mr Hamdi. They say he is a very kind [ department - promotion – employer ]
g Universities [ department - provide – employer ] the country with highly qualified young people.
.find and correct the mistakes
a enrol become a one of a university course
b ideal the fest that something could possibly be
c mature student a university or college student who is old than 25
d retrain train to do something old
e rewarding making you felling happy and satisfied
f similar almost but not exactly the some
g worthwhile useful or enjoy , although you may spend a lot of time, effort or money doing it
a A company in my town closed last week, leaving 50 people employer
b The secondary school in our town employee more than a hundred teachers.
c I hope my company will promotion me when I finish this computer course.
d In many countries, the government is the main provide of school education.
e I believe I have the best qualified for the job.
Choose the correct answer :revision F
1 My cousin is very ………………. She loves meeting and talking to new people.
a well-organised b conscientious c sociable d ambitious
2 People understand what I’m saying when I speak Spanish, but I’m not…………… .
a fluent b ideal c mature d qualified
3 The girl tried to………………. me to lend her my phone, but I refused.
a treat b enroll c provide d persuade
4 One of the supermarkets in our town has 25…………………. .
a employers b employees c applicants d merchants
5 The school …………every student with books, so you don’t have to buy any yourself.
a gives b trains c provides d lends
6 Aisha’s parents asked her ……………she had finished her homework.
a weather b where c if d to
7 My friend’s parents have invited me……………. on holiday with them next year.
a for b go c going d to go
8 Ali’s doctor advised……………….. to stay at home if he was feeling ill.
a he b him c it d his
9 If it isn’t too hot tomorrow, I………….. go swimming.
a should b must c can’t d might
1 0 They…………….. be at school by eight o’clock every day. School starts at eight.
a have to b should c might d can
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write it correctly.
a My friend asked me if had I enjoyed reading the book she had lent me.
b Parents often warn their children to not cross the road without looking.
c I don’t expect them arriving yet. They’re often late.
d You can buying clothes in some supermarkets now.
e If you couldn’t see what you want in a shop, you should ask an assistant.
f You must to remember to post this letter. It’s very important.
second term tests
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 You’ll have to hurry. Your lesson [a is going to start b starts c will start d start ] in half an hour.
2 That tower is one of the town’s most famous [ a landmarks b marks c events d products ]
3 I’d like to get a job in the medical [ a work b career c occupation d profession]
4 I wish I [ a know b had known c knew d could know ] where I left my jacket.
5 Heba wishes she [ a didn’t spend b doesn’t spend c hasn’t spent d hadn’t spent ] all her money at the weekend.
6 My brother [ a achieved b won c got d made ] his ambition when he became a doctor.
7 After the storm, there was a huge [ a floods b number c amount d lot ] of water on the roads.
8 Sara felt ill all night because she[ a had eaten b was eating c eats d has eaten ] too much the day before.
9 Hamdi was very tired yesterday evening because he [ a has revised b had been revising c revised d revising ] for a school test all day.
1 0 I really [ a refuse b argue c can’t stand d object ] to very loud music in public places.
1 1 Ahmed’s friends didn’t [ a recognise b remember c see d look ] him when he returned from a year abroad. He looked so different.
1 2 My friend suggested [ a go b to go c going d goes ] for a picnic in the park.
1 3 We’re planning [ a flying b to fly c fly d to flying ] to Europe for our holiday next year.
1 4 In some countries, people[ a enjoy b celebrate c have fun d party ] the end of the year on December 31st.
1 5 In our town, there are musicians who play [ a tradition b national c folk d historical ] music.
1 6 Whose [ a responsible b responsibility c response d respond ] is it to make sure children arrive safely at school?
1 Five pounds [ a are b cost c pay d is ] a lot for a cup of coffee.
2 In some countries, people use a passport instead of [ a an identity b a personal c a national d an individual ] card.
3 Sayed[ a can’t miss b can’t have missed c must have missed d didn’t miss ] the train. He was at the station half an hour before the
train left.
4 My friend advised me to see a doctor. I wish I[ a took b take c had taken d have taken ] her advice now.
5 Did they ever discover the[ a reason b purpose c explanation d cause ] of the fire?
6 My sister promised [ a meeting b to meet c met d meet ] me after school this afternoon.
7 I’ve just finished a novel [ a which b in which c who d whose ] the main character is an 80-year-old man.
8 Have you heard? They’ve discovered a/an[ a effective b useless c real d cruel ] new treatment for flu.
9 She [ a thinks b believes c regards d looks ] sport as a very important part of her life.
1 0 On [ a heard b he heard c to hear d hearing ] that he had passed his driving test, Taha was very happy.
1 1 There was great [ a procession b imprisonment c excitement d attachment ] when our team won the football match.
1 2 He wasn’t getting enough exercise, [ a because b despite c and d so ] he joined a sports club.
1 3 I’ve seen an interesting article on the internet which I have[ a received b done c downloaded d written ] onto my computer.
1 4 By this time next week, the exam results will [ a have been published b have published c publish d be publishing ]
1 5 I like that photograph on your computer[ a glass b screen c film d front ]
1 6 Nader is really[ a interested b active c enthusiastic d keen ] about all kinds of sport. He loves playing and watching it.
1 In some modern homes, water[a are heated b heat c is heated d is heating ] by energy from the sun.
2 My daily [a routine b habit c custom d way ] starts when my alarm clock goes off at 6.30.
3 There’s water all over the floor. Someone[ a must forget b must have forgotten c can’t have forgotten d can have forgotten ]
to turn off the shower.
4 Her parents [ a totally b gradually c slowly d regularly ] have meetings with the teachers at her school.
5 My brother and I have just had a phone conversation[ a which b in which c what d to which ] we discussed our holiday plans.
6 At the weekend, my aunt asked me what I [ a did b was doing c have done d had been doing ] since we last met.
7 Teachers are always encouraging their students to be[ a conventional b common c confusing d conscientious ] and hard-working.
8 He wanted to know whether anyone[ a had seen b has seen c sees d have seen ] the book he was reading.
9 My sister hasn’t finished her course yet. She’s still [ a a trainer b an employee c an employer d a trainee ]
1 0 The best writers force their readers [ a to think b thinking c thought d think ] about serious questions.
1 1 A new supermarket in our town was opened by a well-known [ a celebrity b famous c character d somebody ] yesterday.
1 2 I think someone may have[ a wasted b thrown c refused d thrown away ] today’s newspaper by mistake.
1 3 I really [ a need b must c can d could ] phone my parents to tell them I’m going to be late home today.
1 4 At her first school, she [ a had to b must c would d has ] wear a blue uniform.
1 5 He is thinking of [ a entering b applying c enrolling d beginning ] on a Business Studies course at the local college.
1 6 Pupils don’t have to pay for their books. The school [ a pays b provides c takes d affords ] them.
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write them correctly:
a Have we got a bread so I can make some sandwiches? b Soha shouldn’t eat too many sweets because she is chronic.
c I asked my mother whether had she seen my English book. d Sylvia is on a low-fat diet because recently she’s lost a lot of weight.
e She has always enjoyed to go to the theatre. f Alfred Farag is a famous Egyptian playwrite.
a When I have nothing to do, I feel really boring. b The person who’s job is to clean the school is not here today.
c When Umm Kalthoum died, thousands of people attended her wedding. d You should reinvent paper, rather than throw it away.
e Some people believe that in the future, water will use as a fuel for cars. f Despite he is 68, my grandfather is still working.
a I wish I can read more quickly. b She asked her friend weather she had finished her homework.
c My parents have invited one of my friends stay for the weekend. d When Wagdy was five years old, he was sting by a scorpion.
e I need to go to the university to buy some medicine. f A civil servant is someone who works for the army.
والان راجع معايا اھم الفقرات
It is difficult to believe that less than a 150 years ago, we could not switch on lights in our homes when it went dark. People who wanted
to work or study at night had to use gas or oil lights. Electric light bulbs were invented in 1879 by Thomas Edison, who also helped
produce the system of getting electricity from where it was generated to where it was used. Edison was a very intelligent man, but when
he was at school his teachers did not realise this. He had to leave school at the age of seven because he asked too many questions. His
mother realised that he only asked questions because he was interested, so she educated him at home. The General Electric Company,
which Edison started, still supplies most of the electricity in North America today.
Answer the following question
1 What three forms of energy are referred to in the article? Electric , gas and oil
2 As well as light bulbs, what did Thomas Edison invent?
3 Why did Edison have to leave school at the age of seven?
4 Which of the following is true?
a Edison invented electricity. b Edison never went to school.
c Edison was taught by one of his parents. d Edison is still the owner of The General Electric Company.
5 What does generate mean in the phrase generate electricity?
a produce b use c invent d find
Trees have often been important in history. On a famous Greek island, there is a tree that is more than 12 metres in width. It is growing in
exactly the same place as Hippocrates, the father of medicine, used to teach his pupils. And in another place and time, the English hero
Robin Hood is believed to have hidden from his enemies in the branches of large trees. The English language uses many words
connected with trees. You can talk about the branches of a bank or a shop and the trunk of the human body. And if someone has lived
somewhere for a long time, you can say they have put down roots.
Answer the following question
1- What does the phrase the father of medicine mean? The person who began the study of medicine and made it important .
2 Why did Robin Hood hide in trees?
3 What is a branch of a bank? One part of a bank . there may be many similar parts in different towns , cities or countries
Choose the correct answer
4 What did Hippocrates do on the famous island?
a He grew trees. b He treated patients. c He taught pupils. d He took medicine.
5 You say people have put down roots when they have
a stayed in a place for a long time. b lived near some trees. c moved house. d just moved somewhere new.
When the people of a small island off the coast of Scotland woke up and looked out of their bedroom windows one morning, they were
amazed. At the north end of their island, they saw mountains covered with snow and a village. The village consisted of a large building
with smaller houses around it. The reason that the people were amazed was because none of these things had been there when they went
to bed the night before. This strange sight remained all day, but then disappeared when the sun went down. Scientists believe that they
had seen the mountains and village from another country, 800 kilometres to the north. Experts agreed that unusual weather and light had
probably caused this strange sight.
Answer the following question
1 What did the people see when they looked out of their windows?
2 When did the village disappear?
3 What did scientists think they had seen?
Choose the correct answer
4 How did the people feel when they saw the village?
a They were frightened. c They were disappointed. b They were angry. d They were very surprised.
5 How did the experts explain the sight?
a They thought people had built a new village. b They said the islanders had not really seen anything unusual.
c They thought it was caused by the weather. d They thought the village was made of snow.
Since the early 1950s, more and more flowers have been grown in Holland. The country is now the main producer of flowers in Europe.
Although the climate makes it easy to grow flowers outside for more than six months of the year, most flowers are grown in special glass
houses, where the temperature can be controlled. The quality of flowers grown in Holland is very high because most flower growers
specialise in one or two types of plants. Twelve thousand different flowers and plants are grown in Holland, and every year new types are
developed. Growers also share information with each other so that their businesses become more successful. Most of the flowers grown
in Holland are exported to other European countries. It is not unusual to see huge flower lorries from Holland in British towns and cities
delivering flowers to shops and supermarkets.
Answer the following question
1 How long has flower growing been an important industry in Holland?
2 Where are most flowers grown in Holland?
3 How many different kinds of flowers and plants are grown in Holland?
Choose the correct answer
4 Why are flowers from Holland of such high quality?
a Because the climate in Holland is very good. c Because the growers specialise.
b Because they are grown in glass houses. d Because growers share information with each other.
5 How are most flowers from Holland delivered to shops in other countries?
a By road. b By rail. c By air. d By post.
As a child, I spent a lot of time reading. I borrowed books and I was given books as presents, but what I liked best was buying new books.
l enjoyed being the first person to read a book, but I did not read a new book immediately. I examined it carefully and looked at the
pictures. Once I started to read a book, I could not stop. I bought so many books that my hobby started to become expensive. My parents
told me to read more library books. I enjoyed the stories as much, but the library books were not so special. Then, one day, I found20
pounds inside a library book. I took the book and the money back to the library and forgot about it. A month later, the library phoned me.
They had not found the owner of the money, so they gave it to me. You can probably guess how I spent the 20 pounds.
Answer the following question
1 Where did the writer get books from when he was a child?
2 What did he do before he read a book?
3 Why was his hobby expensive?
Choose the correct answer
4 Why did his parents tell him to read library books?
a Library books were better. b Library books did not cost money. c The family lived near the library. d Library books were easier to read.
5 Why did the library give the writer the money that was in the book?
a Because he had been honest. b Because it belonged to him.
c Because they couldn’t find who it belonged to. d Because they knew he would spend it sensibly.
Anne Glass was very happy this week when she found out that she had been awarded a BA degree in History. At 84, she was London
University’s oldest student; her professors said she was also one the most enthusiastic students they had ever taught. “I had to leave
school when I was 14,” Anne said. “My father died suddenly and I had to go out to work to help my mother pay the bills. I had four
brothers and sisters younger than me and my father left us very little money. Later, when I had my own children, there was never enough
time to continue my education, but when my children left home, I thought, ‘Why not?’ I enrolled on evening classes and worked for the
qualifications that all my schoolfriends got at school. After that, my teacher suggested I should go to university and take a degree course.
So, that’s what I did.”
Answer the following question
1 How old was the writer when she was awarded her degree?
2 Why did she leave school when she was 14?
3 Where did she get her first qualifications?
Choose the correct answer
4 What did Anne’s university teachers think about her?
a She was too old to study. b She was a very sociable person. c She was very interested in studying. d She was not very intelligent.
5 Why did Anne not study for a degree when she was younger?
a She had to wait until her children were older. b She did not feel confident about studying again.
c She did not want to study in the evening. d She could not decide what subject to study.
( ھذا السوال خاصبالازھر )
Islamic selections
1) What is the duty of every Muslims?
2) To read the Holy Quran.
How is Lady Khadeeja Bint-khuwalid known in history?
Mother of the believers.
3) How many suras are there in the Holy Quran?
114 sura
Why did Lady Khadeeja gain the honour of being
“ Mother of the believers “ ?
because she was the wife of the prophet .
3) Which sura does The Holy Quran beganwith?
The opening
Who was the first person in the world to believe in Allah’s seal
prophet ?
Lady Khadeeja Bint-khuwalid.
4) Which sura does The Holy Quran end with?
Why is Lady Khadeeja always given the highest esteem / position
/ rank?
Because she was the first person in the world to believe in Allah’s seal
prophet and embrace Islam.
13) What does psychological balance result in?
It result in reading the Holy Quran.
How did Muhammad manage Khadeeja's trade ?
14) How can Muslims achieve peace of mind and heart and
psychological balance?
Through reading the Holy Quran?
Who did many rich Meccans long to marry ?
Lady Khadeeja.
15) What do the Quranic verses, Muslims should apply call for?
for monotheism, complete faith and the genuine
Who did Lady Khadeeja prefer to marry ? Why ?
Muhammad because he was honest .
16) From what can the Quranic verses save the Muslims?
injustice, disbelief, aberrance and suspicion.
How was Muhammad’s belief before the advent of Islam ?
Muhammad didn’t believe in idols.
17) Who can be saved from injustice, disbelief, aberrance and
The righteous, pious and faithful Muslims.
What did the Arabs worship before Islam ?
18) Who should read the Holy Quran?
Every Muslim: man, woman, grown up and young.
Where did Muhammad spent much of his time ?
In “The cave of Hira “.
1) Where do Muslims`s duties and rights meet?
2) In reading the Holy Quran.
How did Muhammad spend much of his time in the cave of Hira ?
He spent much of his time there thinking and looking around the universe .
3) How does reading the Holy Quran affect Muslims souls?
4) It makes them nourished, revived and revitalized.
Who created the universe ? the mankind ? the earth ?
Allah “ Glory be to Him “.
5) How does reading the Holy Quran affect Muslims bodies?
It makes them purified from faults sins and material stains.
Why did Allah create the Jinns ? The mankind ?
To worship Him.
4) What impedes a Muslims progressive procession of life?
Faults, sins and material stains.
How was Muhammad’s heart filled up with heavenly light and
Guidance ?
It was through The light, The Will, The Power, The Support and the
Guidance of Allah .
6) What does a Muslims aim at in life?
He amis at living in peace and pleasing Allah .
Who did Gabriel visit in The Cave of Hira ?
15) Why should Muslims read the Holy Quran?
To have themselves restored to themselves and to have
their souls revitalized and their bodies purified.
Where did Gabriel visit Muhammad ?
In The Cave of Hira.
18) What do true Muslims look forward to? They look
forward to having paradise and the pleasure of Allah.
What did Gabriel do when he visited Muhammad in the Cave of Hira ?
He embraced him several times and revealed the first verses of the
Holy Quran.
1) How should the Holy Quran be approached?
-As the sublime container of all values, principles and
teaching of Islam.
Who was Waraqa Ibn-Nawfal ?
He was Khadeeja’s cousin . He was a highly cultured.
2) what is the seal scripture? -The holy Quran. .What didWaraqa Ibn-Nawfal do?
He listened carefully to Muhammad and said that Muhammad will be a
3) who was the quran revealed to?
-Prophet Muhammad.
Which rare sublime qualities did Lady Khadeeja have ?
Sincerity ,truthfulness, balance in thinking , wisdom , stability,
sublimity, intelligence, prudence…….
4) who is the seal prophet / apostle? -Muhammad. What does Islam call for ? virtues , values and principles .
1) Which position does the content of the Holy Quran have?
-The sublime position.
How was Lady Khadeeja Bint-Khuwaylid on that remarkable day
the day of revelation? Why ? The happiest wife on earth . because
her husband was selected by Allah .
2) What formulate the essence of righteous and faithful Muslim?
-The values, principles and teaching of Islam.
What did Allah send to Lady Khadeeja ?
Allah sent His Blessings to her.
3) What does the sublime collection of values crown righteous
and pious believers with?
-Luminous haloes.
What will Lady Khadeeja have in Paradise ?
She will have a home in Paradise.
4) How should believers recite the Holy Quran?
-With contemplation.
When did Lady Khadeeja die ?
Ten years after the revelation.
5) What should the recitation of the Holy Quran include?
- Accuracy, correctness and Skillfulness.
What was the reaction of Muhammad when Lady Khadeeja died ?
He grieved deeply for her death .He never forgot her . He always
spoke of her with love and respect.
6) How are the aims of the Quran approached / unveiled?
hrough the intensive meditation of all the Quranic verses.
How did Muhammad grieve for the death of his wife “ Lade
Khadeeja “ ? He grieved deeply for her death.
5) What does the Quran call for?
-it calls for faith, right, justice, equality, love, peace and
What did Lady Khadeeja do to the prophet ?
She believed in him and devoted her life to his service and to his help.
She was always on his side comforting , encouraging and supporting him .
She shred all his cares and pains.
7) What does the Holy Quran fight?
-it fights disbelief, aberrance, injustice, hatred, spleen,
self – love and selfishness.

Khalid : The Sword of Allah & The Battle Of Badr
What was Khalid Ibnul- Waleed ?
He was a famous Muslim leader .
What was the first great battle / victory in the history of Islam?
The battle of Badr.
Who was Khalid's father ?
He was Al- Waleed Ibnul-Mughira .
When did the battle of Badr take place?
In the second year of Hijra.
Who was Al-Waleed Ibnul- Mughira ?
He was one of the richest men of Quraysh .
Who had hurt the Muslim immigrants?
The unbelievers.
Did Khalid have to learn a trade like other young men ? why ?
No, he didn't . Because of being a son of a wealthy man .
How had those unbelievers hurt them?
When did Khalid Ibnul-Waleed come to be known as a
prominent fighter ? At the Battle of Uhud .
Why had those unbelievers hurt them severely?
Because of their faith.
What was Muslim archers' fatal mistake at the Battle of Uhud ?
That they forgot prophet Muhammad's instructions when the victory was
at hand and left their positions and hurried to collect the spoils .
What had those unbelievers forced them to do?
To leave their city Mecca.
Where was Khalid Ibnul-Waleed stationed ?
Behind the Muslim army .
Where did the Muslims immigrants immigrate?
To Medina.
How was Khalid Ibnul Waleed Known ?
He was known as the sword of Allah
What did they leave?
Their homes and properties.
How did Khalid Ibnul-Waleed fight against the Muslims ?
With courage and tact .
Who led the richly-laden caravan?
Abu Sufian.
How did Khalid see himself in the wonderful vision ?
He saw himself in a desolate land . Then he suddenly saw himself
leaving that barren desert and entering a vast area of Greenland
full of vegetation and fruit .
What did the Muslims hear one day?
That a richly-laden caravan led by Abu Sufian would pass near
Medina from Syria to Mecca.
What did he see himself leaving ?
That barren desert .
What did the Muslims decide to do?
To attack the caravan and seize the riches it carried.
What did he see himself entering ?
A vast area of green land .
Why did the Muslims decide to attack the caravan?
To make up for their lost properties
How was the vast area of green land ?
Was full of vegetation and fruit .
What did Abu Sufian learn about?
About the Muslims' plans .
What did the green land represent ? Faith . What was he able to do? He was able to take his caravan safely to Mecca.
What did he take part in ?
In several battles
How was he able to take his caravan safely to Mecca?
By following a different route.
- الرقم + اسم الشارع
- اسم الحى
- اسم المدینة و البلد
- اذا كان الخطاب للخارج
- یوم و تاریخ ارسال الخطاب
20 Tahrir St.,
Sat., 12th Oct.
Dear + اسم المرسل إلیھ
* التحیة ( ھي جملة افتتاحیة )
* الغرض
* الختام
اسم المرسل
What did he show in the several battles ?
He showed outstanding courage and skill .
How far is Badr from Medina?
90 miles south west of Medina.
What made Allah's Seal Prophet and Apostle Muhammad (
peace be upon him ) call Khalid " The Sward of Allah " ?
His military skill .
Why did Abu-Jahl lead a large force from Mecca to the plain of
To defy and challenge the Muslims.
Which leading part did Khalid play after Prophet
Muhammad's death ?
A leading part in the battles against the renegades .
Why weren't the Muslims frightened?
As they felt that they were going to fight for faith and that Allah would
be on their side.
What does the spread of Islam in Iraq owe a great deal to ?
To the bravery and skill of Khalid Ibnul- Waleed .
How many men did their force consist of?
Three hundred and thirteen ( 314 ) men .
Who was " The Sward of Allah " ?
Khalid Ibnul- Waleed .
How many men did the unbelievers' army consist of?
Over a thousand ( 1000 ) men.
When did Abu-Bakr Al-Seddiq die ?
During the Battle of Yarmouk .
What does the Battle of Badr show?
It shows how Faith can work wonders.
Who succeeded Abu-Bakr after his death ?
Omar Ibnul-Khattab .
How do Muslims have to face all difficulties?
With truthful adherence to pillars of Islam, concepts of piousness and
Who was the second Caliph ?
Omar Ibnul-Khattab .
Who was among the leaders of unbelievers' army?
Some of the most experienced warriors under the leadership of Abu-Jahl.
Which example did Khalid set?
The example of obedience, self-denial and loyalty.
How did the Muslims win Almighty Allah's Aid, Support and power?
Through their firm Fait and controlled discipline.
Who led the Muslims force? Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH )
What happened to many of the enemy leaders? They were killed
How many captives of war were taken by the victorious
Muslims? Seventy ( 70 ) captives.
What calls for right, justice, steadfastness, courage and
The pillars of Islam, cornerstones of Faith, concepts of piousness
and righteousness.
The letter
مقدمة الخطاب ( حفظ )
I am very happy to write this letter to you ,
how are you and your family ?
خاتمة الخطاب ( حفظ )
Best wishes ,
تحویل الضمائر ( كمساعد )
him / her you
you I
your my
Many Muslims face difficulties in the western countries. Write a letter to your pen-friend Tom who lives in England
telling him the true meaning of Islam. Your name is Ahmad and you live at 15 Orabi street, Tanta.
Model Answer
15 Orabi street,
11th June – 2012
Dear Tom
I am very happy to write this letter to you , how are you and your family ?
I send my letter to tell you the true meaning of Islam . the true meaning of Islam is the Submission to the will of
God and obedience to his law .
Best wishes
The paragraph
احفظ الموضوع ذات المحاسن والموضوع ذات الاضرار
There is no doubt that …… الموضوع ….plays an important Part in our daily life . یلعب دورا ھاما في حیاتنا
because it has a lot of advantages مزایا which we can not count but we can mention نذكر
some of it. First of all: it solves a lot of problems which face us in our life. it is considered The
golden key to the happy life یعتبر المفتاح الذھبي للحیاة السعیدة , it is the base of our progress in all
aspects انھ الركیزة الأساسیة للتقدم في كافة المجالات , it can help us to build our society یمكن أن تساعدنا في بناء
مجتمعنا Above all علاوة على ذلك , it's considered the backbone العمود الفقرى of any civilized country
so we must encourage and support it. In other words we have to work together to improve
and develop it
Finally; we can come to the end of this topic that we can not imagine life in the absence
of .……فى غياب
ھیكل كامل لموضوع تعبیر ذو أضرار :
War ، الحرب terrorism ، الإرھاب pollution التلوث , unemployment ، البطالة disease الأمراض Taking drugs تعاطي
المخدرات، over population ، الزیادة السكانیة cost of living أعباء المعیشة Selfishness ، الأنانیة illiteracy ، الأمیة floods
الفیضانات، natural disasters ……كوارث طبیعیة
There is no doubt that إسم المشكلة ) …لا یوجد شك أن .). is the most serious problems that faces us
now a days ھي أھم اخطر المشكلات التي تواجھنا ھذه الأیام .because It has bad effects and disadvantages
that we can't count it, حیث لھا تأثیرات سیئة وعیوب لا نستطیع حصرھا first of all : it causes more and more
troubles and obstacles in our life .it may spread deviation and crimes in our society. It is
considered as a hateful enemy that destroys our society so we should stand as one man لذا
یجب أن نقف كرجل واحد to put an end to this bad phenomenon الظاھرة السیئة which has spread
seriously التي تتفشى بخطورة in the recent days .
finally, we can come to the end of this topic that this problem is as bad as bad could
be سئ بما تحملھ كلمھ سئ من معنى and we should get rid of it نتخلص in order to live in happiness.
والان مع بعضالموضوعات المتوقعة
- Technology in our life
Technology is everywhere nowadays. We all enjoy technology but in different ways. Now, we can travel from one place to another
very easily, comfortably and fast. Modern means of transport are now supplied with all means of comfort . Space travel is now more
possible than it used to be in the past. One day people may be able to enjoy space journeys.
Technology has also played a role in medical care . Now the computer can be used to check people's health accurately. It is also used for
teaching. Students can benefit from the internet in their researches as well. No doubt technology has changed our life to the better.
The role of the youth in development
The youth should first work hard to achieve success. When they graduate from their universities they have duties towards
their society . They can share in the social work by working in the co-operative field. They can share in abolishing illiteracy in their
villages. They can take part in reclaiming the desert to increase food production. They can join the army to defend their country in case
there is a war. They can also help a lot in solving any problem concerning their society. They should work hard for the welfare رفاھیة of
their beloved country Egypt.
Space tourism/Space holidays
In the near future, people will be able to book their holidays in space. They will fly by rocket to a space station which will be
orbiting the earth. A holiday in space must be very exciting. Everyone who has travelled in space has described the magical feeling of
looking down on the Earth as it spins below you. It will be impossible to go shopping or go for a walk, but think of the fun you can have
with weightless football or weightless gymnastics. Space holidays are now too expensive. They cost millions of dollars. In the future,
these holidays will be cheaper. Some people who are interested in space holidays are worried that, as space tourists, they will suffer from
the same horrible side effects as astronauts have suffered from, but experts say that there are now treatments for most side effects.
Turning the desert into farmland
In the last ten years, Egypt has turned large areas of desert into farm land. This has been done to provide more farmland so that
more food can be produced for a growing population. Only a small part of Egypt's land is currently used by people. It is very important
that this work continues because it is necessary to increase the amount of land available for agriculture to increase the amounts of food
needed by people. As the population continues to grow, more land will be needed. We have to use modern machines to help us reclaim
the desert. We should encourage young men to go to the desert and reclaim it. We can build new cities in the desert and encourage
people to live there and reclaim the desert.
A book that you have enjoyed reading
Reading is a very important hobby. It is very useful. It helps to broaden our minds. I like reading very much. I have read a very
interesting book recently. It is about the future. The writer of the book is very optimistic. He thinks that the future will be better than the
present. There will be no pollution. Everyone will have a home. Everybody will get enough food. There will be no wars and people will live
in peace. We will find a cure for all diseases. Means of transport will be faster and more comfortable. New inventions will be made to make
man's life easier. Schools will be more interesting and students will learn better and faster.
25th of January, تورة 25 ینایر 2011
On the 25th of January, 2011 thousands of Egyptian young men and women marched peacefully to Tahreer Square in Cairo and in many
other Cities in Egypt such as Alexandria, Suez and Ismailia. They all demanded Mubarak's overthrow and the resignation of his government.
They wanted a civilian state where peace, love, equality, standard of living and new job opportunities for the millions of unemployed youth.
Finally they succeeded in achieving some of their demands, but after a big number of them had sacrificed their lives to create a new Egypt,
where people have the right to say their opinions freely .
Without fear, with a new government that acts to achieve comprehensive development and social reform.They have put an end to
Mubarak’s era which included unfair treatment to the Egyptian people, social injustice, a lot of detainees without judgment, forging
the elections and corruption. The demonstrated young people also demanded constitutional amendments and authority transition, so that
peace safety and security would prevail all over Egypt. The World will never forget this great uprising of the great Egyptian youth.
The job you would like to do when you finish your education
When I finish my education, I would like to be a doctor. This job is very important. A doctor helps people to have good health. A
lot of people suffer from different kinds of diseases. They feel great pain. They need someone to help them. That's why a doctor's job is
very important to society. To become a doctor, I need to study hard. I know that this job is difficult but I like it very much. A good doctor
needs to look for new information about his job all the time. I hope to do research into the causes of diseases like cancer or brain
disease. I'd like to learn more and more about those diseases which make people suffer a lot.
The character I admire most (A famous Egyptian Scientist)
The character I admire most is Ahmed Zewail. He is a worldwide famous م شھور عالمی ا Egyptian scientist. He is a very intelligent
person. He did his best to achieve his goals. He was educated at Alexandria University. After his graduation, تخ رج he went to the United
Sates of America to continue his education. There he worked very hard and achieved great success.. He won the Nobel Prize for
Chemistry. I like Dr. Zewail very much because he could fulfill his dreams یحق ق أحلام ھ through hard work. He does his best to help his
country, Egypt. In fact, Ahmed Zewail is a very good example that all Egyptian youth should follow.
How we can help to protect and improve the environment
Environmental pollution التلوث البیئي is a very serious problem nowadays. This pollution causes great damage أضرار كبیرة to the
environment and all living things. There are a lot of things we can do to preserve یحافظ علي the environment. Factories should be moved to
land outside cities. A great number of trees should be planted along the sides of the roads. Trees take in carbon dioxide and give us
oxygen, so they help to clean the air. The government should pass laws to reduce the number of cars on the roads. We have to spread
awareness ینشر الوعي among ordinary people of the importance of preserving the environment. We must teach young children how to
keep the environment clean. Preserving the environment has become a very important issue مسألة ھامة in the modern world.
9- Tourism
Tourism is considered one of the most important earners of foreign currency and national income, .Tourists spend a lot of hard
currency during their stay in Egypt. Tourists like to visit Egypt to enjoy the sun shine, and the wonderful historic places. They like to visit
the Citadel, the Pyramids, Luxor and Aswan. They like to see our modern renaissance as well. We should do our best to encourage
tourists to visit us again and again. We should establish cheap hotels and tourist villages along our shores.
( ھذا السوال خاص بالازھر )
أدوات الاستفھام
What ما- ماذا How tall = What height ( كم طول(أشخاص
Who ( من (عاقل How high= What height ( كم ارتفاع (أشیاء
Which ( أیھما (تفضیل How long = What length ( كم طول (مدة زمنیة – أشیاء
Whose ( لمن (ملكیة How old =What age كم عمر
When=What time ( متى (زمان How wide =What width كم عرض
Why = What for ( لماذا 0سبب How heavy =What weight كم وزن
Where ( أین (مكان How deep =What depth كم عمق
How وسیلة مواصلات – كیفیة How far = What distance كم بعد
How many كم عدد How fast =What speed كم سرعة
How much = What price كم ثمن How big = What size كم حجم
How much كم كمیة How often = How many times كم عدد المرات
What kind of ما نوع What make ما ماركة
What else وماذا أیضا What about وماذا عن
How long ago = Since when منذ متى To what extent الى اى مدى
لا تنسي قاعدة تكوین السؤال
تكملة + المصدر + فاعل + فعل مساعد + اداة استفھام
تكملة + المصدر + فاعل + فعل مساعد
)ھذا السوال خاصبالازھر (
Mini dialogue
Invitation ا لدعوة
-May I invite you to ……? ھل یمكننى ان ادعوك ل
Accept: Thanks , I’d love to . شكرا ... انا اود ذلك
Refuse: I wish I could but I’m busy یا لیتني أستطیع ولكنى مشغول
May I invite you to have tea with me ?
I wish I could but I am busy / Thanks , I’d love to .
Agreeing and disagreeing الموافقھ على رأى
Agreeing : I agree with you اتفق معك
That’s right ھذا صحیح
I don’t agree with you لا اتفق معك
I don’t think so لا اعتقد ذلك
Advice النصیحة
You should + یجب ان ..... مصدر
You shouldn’t + مصدر
You should study hard یجب ان تذاكر بجد
Accepting قبول
Yes, I know I should نعم اعلم انھ یجب ذلك I know I shouldn’t , you are right اعلم انھ لا یجب ذلك
Not accepting عدم قبول
I will see سأفكر بالأمر
hope التمنى
I wish you speed recovery اتمنى لك الشفاء العاجل
I wish you good luck اتمنى لك حظا موفقا
I wish you success اتمنى لك النجاح
worry القلق
I’m worried about ( Ali )
Asking for help طلب المساعدة
Could you + ھل یمكنك ان مصدر
Could you ( help me ) ? Could you open the door ? Could you lend me your ruler , please ?
yes, of course نعم بالطبع I'm sorry , I can't اسف لا استطیع
Permission - الإذن
May I + ھل یمكننى ان مصدر
Could I + مصدر
May I use your telephone ?
could I use your telephone ?
Replies الرد
-1 فى حالة الموافقة
yes, of course
-2 فى حالة الرفض
I'd rather you didn't . افضل الا تفعل
Suggestion الاقتراح
Shall we
Let's + المصدر
How about + V+ ing / noun
EX:. Let's. watch TV فلنشاھد التلفزیون
Or : How about watching TV .? ما رأیك فى مشاھدة التلفزیون
Replies الرد
-1 فى حالة الموافقة
Good idea ! فكرة رائعة
OK. Why not ? ولما لا
-2 فى حالة الرفض
Sorry I can’t
Congratulations التھانى
congratulations الف مبروك
well done أحسنت
Replies الرد
Thanks, I'm very pleased شكرا اننى سعید بذلك
Thanking الشكر
Thank you
Replies الرد
Don't mention it العفو
Apologizing الاعتذار
I'm very sorry . اسف جدا
Replies الرد
Never mind
Asking for opinion طلب رأى
What do you think of …….. ..... ما رأیك فى
What do you think of my new dress ? ما رأیك فى فستانى الجدید
It's wonderful انھ رائع
I'm sorry , it's not very good لیس جید
Introducing people تقدیم ناس
This is ( ( فلان
This is my friend Samy ھذا صدیقى سامى
Replies الرد
Nice to meet you Samy تشرفنا بلقائك یا سامى
Warning التحذیر
Be careful or you will + احترس والا .... مصدر
Be careful or you will fall off the bike احترس والا ستقع من على الدراجھ
Asking the way للسؤال عن الطريق الى مكان ما
Could you tell me the way to …. ھل یمكنك ان تخبرنى الطریق الى
Could you tell me the way to the post office , please ?
Yes , Go ahead then turn left
والان ركز مع التراجم ديه
a Translate into Arabic:
Currently, the cost of a holiday in space is very high. But the more people want something, the cheaper it will become. So if you are interested, start
saving now!
b Translate into English:
اثنا ملیون جینه مبلغ كبیر من المال ، الیسكذلك ؟
فى بعضالاماكن يستخدم قصب السكر فى صناعة الوقود للسیارات ومركبات اخرى .
Translate into Arabic:
If wood is heated, chemicals are produced which can be used to make medicines and some kinds of plastic. Wood products are also used in some
types of ice cream.
b Translate into English:
عندما كان يوشك علىالانتھاء من رواية ، كان يفكر فى الرواية القادمة .
تم نشر كتابھا فى اكثر من مائة دولة حول العالم .
a Translate into Arabic:
If you live in southern Europe or Africa, you know that the temperatures are higher and there is less rain than if you live in northern Europe or
Canada. It is unusual for the weather forecast to surprise us.
b Translate into English:
كانت الرياح بالقطع شديدة خلال اللیل ، الیسكذلك ؟
احمد وعلاء وعدونا ان يكونوا ھنا غدا فى الصباح الباكر .
a Translate into Arabic:
We now know that plants and trees make their own food. Their leaves are like factories producing everything they need, so that plants can change
the energy from the sun into chemical energy.
b Translate into English:
كانت مرھقة لانھا ظلت واقفه طوال الیوم فى عملھا .
يؤسفنا ان نخبركم ان الاحتفالیة لن تقام ھذا العام.
a Translate into Arabic:
In the eighth century, Arab travellers who traded with China learned how to make paper. At first, paper was very expensive because it was made
from cotton, but later it was produced from wood and so became much cheaper.
b Translate into English:
لا يزل عملھا مقدرا الیوم ، والذى اخذ جزءا كبیرا من حیاتھا الشخصیة .
عندما استیقظت ايمان فى الصباح الباكر ، رات الجو ممطر .
a Translate into Arabic:
To remain employable, individuals must be good at the jobs they are doing and predict what skills they may need in the future. In today’s
world, lifelong learning helps people to get these skills.
b Translate into English:
سالتھا عن الجامعة التى كانت تدرسبھا .
إذا كنت اريد ان ابدا ھذه السنة فعلىان اتقدم باوراقى قبل نھاية الاسبوع القادم .
a Translate into Arabic:
Everyone who has travelled in space has described the magical feeling of looking down on the Earth as it spins. It is impossible to go for
a walk. However, you can do exercises.
ھل تطفى الانوار حینما تكون خارج الغرفة .
بعدما أنھت دراستھا المدرسیة التحقت دالیا بجامعة القاھرة
a Translate into Arabic:
Yahia Haqqi was born in 1905 in the Sayyida Zeinab district of Cairo. He graduated in law and worked for a short time as a lawyer. In 1929, he
began his career as a diplomat.
b) Translate into English
1/ لو كنت قلقا علیك أن تسال والدیك النصیحة
2/ ما نوعیة الأنشطة التي تحب أن تمارسھا خلال نھایة الأسبوع
a Translate into Arabic:
Egypt has many amazing works of ancient and modern engineering. At the south of Aswan, for example, Abu Simbel is the site of two temples.
These were carved into a cliff in about 1250 BCE.
b Translate into English:
عفوا ، ھل يمكن ان ترشدنى الى احسن طريق للوصول الى المحطة ؟
الشمسقوية جدا وعلیك الا تنظر الیھا مباشرة .
a Translate into Arabic:
By the time Alexandre Dumas was 20, his mother had spent all her money. He then went to live in Paris. There he found work as a secretary to an
old friend of his father.
b Translate into English: '
-1 لیتنى استذكرت باجتھاد عندما كان الوقت متاحا .
-2 ما نوعیة الموسیقى التى تحب سماعھا
a Translate into Arabic:
Every year, millions of trees are cut down to make new paper. Fortunately, the trees that give us the best wood for paper grow very quickly. Old
paper can also be recycled.
b) Translate into English:
-1 اذا لم تجتھد اكثر فى دروسك سوف تفشل فى الاختبار.
-2 اعتقد ان الناس سوف تستمر فى قراءة الكتب من اجل المتعة .
a Translate into Arabic:
Thirty years ago, most university students believed that when they graduated, their education had finished. They expected to get a job and work for
one employer. They would work in one place until they retired.
a) Translate into English:
-1 ھل فكرت فى الالتحاق بجامعة فى الخارج بعد التخرج
-2 كثرة المال لاتوفر باضرورة حلولا للمشاكل
كلمات وتعبیرات مفیدة فى الترجمة
* Raise the standard of living. یرفع مستوى المعیشة * Increase the national income. زیادة الدخل القومي
* Solve our social problem. حل مشكلاتنا الاجتماعیة *Increase our knowledge. زیادة معرفتنا
* Improve our living conditions. تحسین مستوي المعیشة * Provide the needs of people. تزود الناس باحتیاجاتھم
* Keep order and respect law. الحفاظ على النظام واحترام القوانین *To enrich their knowledge لإثراء معرفتھم
* Render great services to our country. تقدم خدمات عظیمة لبلادنا * It teaches us discipline and co-operation تعلمنا النظام والتعاون
* Expand the learning process outside school. التوسع في العملیة التعلیمة خارج المدارس
* We must exploit all our natural resources. یجب أن نستغل مواردنا الطبیعیة
* Illiteracy and unemployment result in the spread of crime. ینتج عن الأمیة والبطالة و انتشار الجریمة
سوال المواقف والاماكن ( خاص بالتربیة والتعلیم )

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